Presentations given by Hope College faculty.


Submissions from 2018


Something Creative Here: An Arts-Informed Discussion of Sustainability in Academic Libraries, Jessica Hronchek, Grace Haynes, and Kathy De Mey

Submissions from 2017


A Classroom Experiment: Using Shared Shelf to Archive and Share Student Video Film Reviews, Victoria Longfield and C. Jeremy Barney


Developing Creative Problem Solvers, Eric L. Mann


Analyzing Library Marketing & Communication Efforts at Liberal Arts Colleges, Laurel Post and Jessica Hronchek


The Identity of Dance in a Christ-Centered College, Angela Yetzke

Submissions from 2016


Relax, Don't [be] Anxious: RDA at the Ball State University Libraries (Muncie, IN), C. Jeremy Barney


The Death of the Book, the Fate of Reading and Academic Libraries in a Digital World., Kelly Gordon Jacobsma

Submissions from 2015


Mimetic Theory Meets the Oxford Inklings: Girard, Lewis, Tolkien, Williams, and Barfield, Curtis Gruenler


Epistemological Matters Matter for Theological Understanding (Talk at Hope College -- Video -- Renamed "What Do You Know? Philosophy for the Curious Mind"), Joseph F. LaPorte


Changing the Culture: Developing Creative Problem Solvers, Eric L. Mann


Engineering The Future: A Summer Academy for Underrepresented Students, Eric L. Mann and Susan Ipri Brown


Foundational Assumptions in Threshold Concepts and Information Literacy, Patrick K. Morgan

Submissions from 2014


Improving Learning Through Information Technology, Barry Bandstra


How To Increase Global Learning In Your Classroom, Ernest D. Cole


Visit to Union Christian College, Aluva, India, Kelly Gordon Jacobsma and Lorna Hernandez Jarvis


Six Easy Things Profs Can Do To Help Students Learn, David James


The Value of Problem Posing in Developing Creatively Gifted Mathematicians, Eric L. Mann


Liminal Librarianship: Transgressing the Threshold, Patrick K. Morgan


What is the Deep Web, and why should you care?, Patrick K. Morgan

Online Education in the Liberal Arts Context, William A. Pannapacker

Rethinking Humanities Education, William A. Pannapacker

The Humanities and the Digital, William A. Pannapacker

ContentDM at the Joint Archives of Holland, Geoffrey Reynolds

Making Waves: The History of Chris-Craft (keynote), Geoffrey Reynolds

Melvin Roy Brady: Boat Builder and Speed Demon, Geoffrey Reynolds

Oral History Collections and Digital Commons at Hope College, Geoffrey Reynolds

Plastic Fantastic: Holland, Michigan’s Boat Building Industry and the Use of Reinforced Fiberglass Plastic, Geoffrey Reynolds

Plastic Fantastic: Michigan’s Boat Building Industry and the Use of Reinforced Fiberglass Plastic, Geoffrey Reynolds


Lightning Round: Moving Those MARCs: Workflows For Loading Library Catalog Holdings To A Discovery Layer, Gloria Slaughter and Brianne N. Hagen

Epic Fail of an IL Assessment, Todd J. Wiebe


Information Literacy: Learning For Life In The Age Of Roughly 1,200,000,000,000,000 Megabytes, Todd J. Wiebe

Tell it Like it is: How to Give a (mostly) Jargonless Information Literacy Talk, Todd J. Wiebe


他们以为自己是谁?: IL Mastery or ILlusory Competence of First Year College Students, Todd J. Wiebe


Assessment "à la Carte": Using Small-scale Citation Analysis Projects to Shape Library Instruction, Todd J. Wiebe and Jessica Hronchek

Submissions from 2013


How Richard and Wanda Help Me Teach a GL-D-flagged First Year Seminar, Priscilla D. Atkins

Summer Online Courses Program, Barry Bandstra


The Phage Genomics Research Program - Authentic Research for First Year Students, Aaron Best and Joseph Stukey

Experiential Learning during May Term, Steven Bouma-Prediger

For the Beauty of the Earth: Biblical Wisdom for Creation Care, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

Love: The Ecological Virtue of Earthkeeping, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

Why Care for Creation: Ten Reasons, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger


Hope Comes to Watts: An Educational May Term Experience in Los Angeles, Nancy L. Cook, Madeline Kukla, and John Yelding


Center for STEM Inquiry: STEM Scholars Program, Carrie Dummer, Vicki-Lynn Holmes, Susan Ipri Brown, and Catherine Mader


Helping without Hurting: Thinking Critically About Global Poverty Alleviation, Sarah Estelle

Extending The Activation Hypothesis: Demands, Control, Work, And Non-work Support On Performance, Marcus James Fila and Lisa Sue Paik

Overdue: Meta-analyzing Demands, Control And Support On Job Satisfaction And Emotional Exhaustion, Marcus James Fila, Justin D. Purl, and Will Bracken


BrowZine: Academic Journals on Your Tablet, Kelly Gordon Jacobsma


Department Library Dashboards as a Measure of Library Value, Kelly Gordon Jacobsma


Keeping An Old Library New: Academic Libraries in the 21st Century, Kelly Gordon Jacobsma


Citations in a Cinch: From Bibliographies to Faculty Engagement, Brianne N. Hagen


The Scholar as Startup: How Academic Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation, Jonathan D. Hagood


Pine Ridge May Term, Steven D. Hoogerwerf


Assessing History Student Research Activity and Learning Outcomes Through the Understanding Library Impacts Project, Jessica Hronchek


A Longitudinal Study Investigating the Effects of the PBL Approach in Secondary Mathematics Education, Yooyeun Hwang


TourGuide: Augmented Reality Based on Structure Recognition, Michael Jipping


Strengthening the Pathway to STEM Research Leadership at Hope College, Catherine Mader


Why Geographer's Should Study Christian Congregational Song, Andrew M. McCoy


Anarchy and Hope, Patrick K. Morgan


Information Literacy and Epistemological Inquiry, Patrick K. Morgan

Linearity vs. Literacy: Teaching IL as Epistemological Inquiry, Patrick K. Morgan


Philosophy and Catholic Theology, Jack E. Mulder Jr.


Transient And Asymptotic Dynamics Of Pioneer Plant Populations In A Costa Rican Cloud Forest, K. Greg Murray, J. Drake, M. Garcia-C, A. Garoutte, and Kathy A. Winnett-Murray

Abraham Lincoln: The Lessons of Leadership, William A. Pannapacker

Building a Digital Humanities Program at a Liberal Arts College, William A. Pannapacker

Building Digital Humanities at Liberal Arts Colleges, William A. Pannapacker

Collaborating in the Digital Liberal Arts, William A. Pannapacker

College-University Collaborations in the Digital Humanities, William A. Pannapacker

Digital Humanities and the Future of Liberal Arts Education, William A. Pannapacker

Melville and Whitman in Washington: The Civil War and After, William A. Pannapacker

Remembering the Civil War in Walt Whitman’s Philadelphia, William A. Pannapacker

The Digital Liberal Arts, William A. Pannapacker


Faith and Scholarship: A Summer Discussion Series, Karen N. Pearson and Jonathan Hagood


Hope College Mellon Scholars, Julia P. Randel and William A. Pannapacker


Digital Hope College, Geoffrey D. Reynolds


Health and Healing in Compariative Perspective: U.S. and Mexico, Mary Scheerhorn and Jonathan D. Hagood


Innovation Exposition: Advanced Research Course in Psychology (PSY 390), John Shaughnessy, Sonja Trent-Brown, and Daryl R. VanTongeren


London May Term, Thomas M. Smith


25 years of Psychology Internships, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet and Patricia V. Roehling


Phelps Scholars Program, Yolanda A. Vega


Caring for the Spirit to Decrease Healthcare Costs: Are Nurse Practitioners Able to Recognize the Cues and Behaviors of Spiritual Care Concerns and Provide Spiritual Care to Patients?, Barbara Vincensi


Integrating Spiritual Care into Nurse Practitioners’ Practice: Improving Patient Health Indicators While Limiting Cost, Barbara Vincensi


New Instruments to Evaluate Geriatric Nurse Practitioners Incorporation of Spiritual Care into Practice, Barbara Vincensi


The Relationship of Education on Geriatric Nurse Practitioners Frequency of Providing Spiritual Care in Practice, Barbara Vincensi


Visual Literacy and Student Learning, Courtney L. Werner


Leveraging the "Google mentality": 1Search and the new (inter)face of library discovery, Todd J. Wiebe and Jessica Hronchek

Submissions from 2012

Hawk, Eagle, Behemoth, Leviathan, and Rain: The Biblical Job Hikes the Adirondacks, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger


Peacemaking in a Violent World: A Christian Perspective, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger


“A Dark Speakyng”: English Translations of 1 Corinthians 13:12 and What We Can See in Them, Curtis Gruenler

DH is EZ, William A. Pannapacker

Digital Humanities: From the Edge to the Center, William A. Pannapacker

Submissions from 2011

Earthkeeping: The Whys and the Hows (Workshop), Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

Holy Creatures Living Among Other Holy Creatures in a World that is Holy, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

One Example of Science-Faith Synergy: How We Can Glorify God and Serve Humanity by Caring for the Earth, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

Shalom and the Character of Earthkeeping, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

Sojourners in a Time of Homelessness, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

Thinking and Living Christianly: The Shape of A Christian Worldview, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

Why Care for Creation?: An Apologia for Earthkeeping, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

Why Care for Creation?: Ten Good Reasons from Prudence to Piety, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

Why Care for Creation?: Ten Reasons, Steven C. Bouma-Prediger

Why Care for Creation? (Workshop), Steven C. Bouma-Prediger