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Hope Library Guides

Open Access: Open Access at Hope College

A Guide to Open Access. What is it ? Why is it important ?

Matthias, Lisa; Tennant, Jon (2017): How to make your research open access? For free and legally.. figshare.

How the Hope College OA Policy Works

The Hope College Open Access Policy was drafted and approved by the Library Committee in academic year 2010/2011 and approved by the Academic Affairs Board on March 15, 2011 and went into effect October 15, 2011.

Compliance with the policy is fairly simple. When publishing a peer-reviewed article, Hope faculty submit the final peer-reviewed manuscript and the bibliographic information for an article to the institutional repository Digital Commons @ Hope College.


The policy applies to peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings published after the policy became effective on October 15, 2011. Non-scholarly writing such as op-ed pieces, popular articles and scholarly writing that receive monetary compensation (textbooks, monographs) are not covered by the OA pollicy.

When should I submit my article?


How should I submit my article?

Articles may submitted in one of two ways: Submit your work via thefaculty publications submission formavailable on the Digital Commons @ Hope College site or send your submission via email to and include the bibliographic information for your work and the article as an attachment. You may ask that a department administrative assistant submit your work for you.


While every peer-reviewed article should be submitted, there may be reasons why an article may remain in a "dark archive". Some articles may have embargo periods and may not appear to the public until 6 to 18 months after publication. No articles will appear before the article is published by the publisher. If faculty opt out of the policy for a specific article, the article will not be made public even though it is in the respository.

How can I opt out of the policy and what does that mean?

The policy requires that faculty deposit their articles into the institutional repository. However, faculty may designate that a specific scholarly work not be disseminated by requesting a waiver. The waiver applies to the granting of a non-exclusive license to Hope College. A waiver may be requested for any reason at the time of deposit by checking the Opt Out box on the submission form or by sending an email to may also withdraw their articles at any time from the repository by requesting a waiver and stating a reason.

What about works not covered by the Open Access Policy?

世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地希望学院力求保持教员奖学金和创造性表现的完整记录。所有文章、书籍、书籍章节、专栏文章、音乐表演、舞蹈表演和编舞、艺术家展览等的书目信息都应提交给图书馆。You may submit your scholarship via thissubmission form.