


保罗乔治油炸生于1919年4月4日,德国莱比锡和在威斯巴登长大,德国和奥地利的维也纳。1938年4月,炸被纳粹逮捕和囚禁在维也纳去英格兰和之前工作的英国社会中传播福音的犹太人在1939年。1939年12月,炸在进入美国党卫军Veendam。1940年他开始研究希望学院。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地油炸起草,1943年6月1日成为美国公民,1943年。二战期间他在欧洲译员和神枪手军队直到1945年。战后,油炸得知弟弟死亡逃离集中营和他的父亲,母亲,弟弟死于1942年在波兰的罗兹犹太人区。他希望学院毕业,1946年完成了硕士世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地学位1947年哈佛大学现代欧洲史。他担任委员会的首席翻译纽伦堡战争罪行的审判在1947年和1949年之间。他完成他的博士研究早在1949年,德国埃尔兰根大学和哈佛大学继续研究在历史上和国际法。从1951年到1953年,他曾在美国空军研究部门作为英国情报机构的联络官在基尔,埃森,汉堡,德国。1953年9月,油炸希望学院开始了他30年的教学生涯。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地 During his career, he served as chair of the History Department and director of the Office of International Education, where he started an overseas program to Germany and Austria starting in 1956, which became known as the Hope College Vienna Summer School. In 1968, the Republic of Austria awarded Fried the Gold Medal of Merit in recognition of his services in fostering international understanding. He continued as the director until 1976. In 1984, Hope College presented him with a Distinguished Alumni Award. In 1987, Fried was awarded a Hope College honorary degree. In 1990, the International Education Center at Hope College was named in his honor, and in 2005 an auditorium in the Martha Miller Center for Global Communication was named in honor of Dr. Fried and Dr. Hemenway. Fried was an avid art collector and subsequently donated many pieces of art to Hope’s permanent collection. The collection contains biographical information about Fried’s life in Europe, work on the Nuremburg trials, his 30-year career as a history professor and director of international education at Hope College, published articles, involvement with the Vienna Summer School program, and his own historical research. The collection includes 17 boxes of correspondence with former students, co-workers, acquaintances, foreign consuls and government officials. His most voluminous correspondence was with Isaac L. Auerbach, Harriett Cook, John Dryfhout, Arthur Frederix, Rolf Italiaander, John Mulder, and Bruce Van Voorst. Also noteworthy is his correspondence with Stephen Hemenway, Alma Scarlett, John Hollenbach, Art and Martha Kate Barnhart, and Margaret Sanger. Fried regularly retained copies of his outgoing correspondence, so his files often offer a unique opportunity to view both sides of these written conversations. If a visible Vienna Summer School connection is present in correspondence, the title includes the notation (VSS). An attempt has been made to recognize VSS alumni, but not all have been identified. Where files contain correspondence in German, or in both German and English, the titles contain a notation of (G) or (G/E). Vienna Summer brochures, photographs, and “Das Werden,” are contained in the Vienna Summer School collection, H88-0327. A separate box is dedicated to correspondence, articles, and clippings relating to Rolf Italiaander. John Hollenbach’s writings and notes on conversations he had with Paul Fried are found in the Biographical Materials in Box 1.





