A social experience that provides students with opportunities to lead, serve in the community and establish lifelong friendships.


Alpha Gamma Phi - ΑΓΦ
Alpha Phi Zeta - AΦZ
Delta Phi - ΔΦ
Kappa Beta Phi - ΚΒΦ
Kappa Delta Chi - ΚΔX
Sigma Iota Beta - ΣΙΒ
Sigma Sigma - ΣΣ
OU Campus Admin Access


Chi Phi Sigma - XΦΣ
Omicron Kappa Epsilon - ΟΚΕ
Phi Kappa Alpha - ΦKA
Phi Sigma Kappa - ΦΣK
Phi Tau Nu - ΦΤΝ
OU Campus Admin Access

Greek members

The Greek Mission

Greek Life enriches the lives of Hope students through faithful student leadership, academic and social accountability, and commitment to service. We strive to foster holistic personal development and lifelong relationships and connections.


Pretty much everything. Whatever organization or club you decide to join, you can almost always count on a Greek member being there.

简单地说,作为一个希腊人意味着在霍普的社区有存在感。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩Greeks are involved in:

  • Dance Marathon(founded by Greek members in 2000)
  • Relay for Life
  • SAC
  • Athletics
  • Volunteer Services
  • Pull
  • Nykerk
  • Orientation
  • Chapel band
  • WEO
  • Theatre
  • Mortar Board
  • Tour guides
  • Student Congress
  • WTHS radio station
  • The Anchor
  • Emmaus scholars
  • Phelps scholars
  • Mellon scholars
  • Black Student Union
  • Teaching assistants
  • Study abroad programs
  • Honors societies

(as well as countless other organizations)

Hope by the Numbers

  • 704Active Members in Greek Life


    Learn how to join
  • 7Fraternities at Hope

    With the exception of one national organization, 6 of Hope's 7 fraternities are local. Their letters, values and histories are only found on Hope's campus.

  • 7Sororities at Hope

    Hope's seven sororities are local organizations. Their letters, values and histories are only found on our campus.

  • 1Greek body

    Sororities and fraternities unite together on Hope's campus as one Greek body. Greek is good.