Dance Marathon is a year-long fundraiser for the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital that culminates with a 24-hour dance-a-thon March 4–5, 2022.


Event information for Dance Marathon 2022

In the past 22 years, Dance Marathon has raised over $3 million for the kids!

Hope by the Numbers

  • $2M+Total Amount Raised

    Since 2000, Hope College has raised over $2 million for the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital.

    Donate today!
  • 1,092Participants in 2019

    1,092 students participated as dancers, moralers and committee members during the 24-hour dance-a-thon. Don’t miss your opportunity to join us for the biggest dance party of the year! It's for the kids!

    Learn about our events
  • $340,172Amount Raised in 2019

    Hope had a record-shattering year of fundraising for the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. By raising $340,172.20 for the hospital, Hope surpassed the previous year by $28,730.01.

  • 224Students on Committees in 2019

    224 students dedicated their time and energy as volunteer members for the 2018 Dance Marathon committees, including Dream Team (the executive board), Designated Group Representatives, Morale Squad and more.

    Get involved