/ Student Development

Judicial Affairs

Judicial affairs is responsible for handling violations of student conduct as outlined in theStudent Handbook.

The judicial affairs program provides students with a process intended to resolve questions surrounding student conduct.

Any member of the Hope community may request that the judicial system handle a claim of policy violations. Any student who is charged with violating a policy is granted the right to know what the charges are, who brought the charges, a chance to review documentation and the opportunity to present a defense.

If a student is found responsible of violating the policy, the judicial affairs program hopes to create an educational response to the violation and provide the student with the support to avoid similar situations in the future.

The Judicial Process

Once anincident report提交后,答辩人将会见司法官员或驻地主任审查报告,申辩是否负有责任,并选择他们喜欢的听证类型。(如果学生承认对一项轻微的违规行为负责,并且这是第一次违规,可能不需要听证会。)学生可以选择行政听证会或与学生/教师司法委员会的听证会。

If the incident originates through the a law enforcement agency, the college may await a court decision before taking action. Further information in this process is contained in the Student Handbook under policy18.0, Violations of the Law.


For additional questions regarding the judicial process please refer to theStudent Handbookor contact Dr. John Jobson, associate dean of students, at (616) 395-7800.