Our goal is to create residential communities where students can:

  • Flourish to meet their human potential
  • Recognize, embrace and celebrate the uniqueness of all people
  • Foster holistic personal development
  • Actively engage and support Hope’s mission of academic excellence, which is grounded in the historic Christian faith
Move In


New students may begin to move into their housing on Friday, August 26, 2022.

Move-in will be staggered throughout the day. New students living in halls will sign up for a move-in time slot. Most areas will have time slots from 8–9:30 a.m., 9:30–11 a.m., 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m., 12:30–2 p.m. and 2–3:30 p.m.

New incoming student sign-up

When you arrive, you will be guided by Campus Safety and our traffic assistants to parking. You will check-in at one of our Residential Life tents! There are three tents on campus and you will go to the tent cooresponding to your residence hall.

  1. Outside Lubbers Hall lawn on East 10th St.that servesCook, Voorhees, Durfee and VanVleck(rain location is in Bultman Student Center).
  2. Steps of Jack Miller[corner of East 10th St and Columbia Ave.] that servesDykstra, Gilmore and Phelps(rain location is Martha Miller 1st Floor Rotunda).
  3. Outside the DeWitt Center on Columbia Avein front of the flag pole that servesKollen, Scott, Lichty and Wyckoff(rain location is Boerigter lobby area in DeWitt).

After checking in and picking up your keys, you'll drive over to your hall where the Orientation Assistants (OAs) in orange and blue shirts will assist you in getting your belongings to your room. You can help make the process a bit smoother by labeling all of your things with your last name, hall and room number.


Returning student move-in is Sunday, August 28, 2022.

Similar to the process from last fall, we are asking that if youlive in a residence hall or College Eastthat you select a two-hour time slot for move-in between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. in which you will move in.

To choose your move-in window, click the link below. As you select your time, please consider whether you and your roommate would like to move in together or separately and then communicate with them accordingly. Please be sure to select the correct residence hall from the tabs listed across the top of the form.

Returning student sign up

If you live in acottage or apartment, we ask that you talk with your housemates to coordinate your move-in plans. It is helpful for you to stagger the process to avoid congestion and increase ease of unloading. Your access code will be found in your plus.m.icarseries.com. If you do not have an access code, it may be because the cottage or apartment uses your Student ID or a key for entry.

  • If you live inCook Village, College East, 47 E13th, 55 E14th, DeYoung, Loraine-Lubbers, Strand, orZoetewey,you will use your student ID and PIN to access your home.
  • If you live in321 Central, 364-366-368 Triplex, Blue Cottage, Fairbanks Cottage, Gazelle, Kraker Annex, Nykamp, OggelorTreehouse, you will need to go to the tent in front of the DeWitt Center to check in and get your cottage/apartment keys.


New students may begin to move into their housing on Friday, January 6, 2023, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Please come to the Student Development Office (DeWitt Center, 141 E. 12th St., Holland) to check in and pick up your room key/code. More information will be provided to you via email in December regarding your housing, move-in and new student orientation.


Move Out

College housing officially closes for winter (Christmas) break at 5 p.m. on Friday, December 16, 2022.

Students are required to leave their campus housing within 24 hours of their last final exam or by 5 p.m. on Friday, December 16, 2022.

Instructions for move-out will be provided by the Residential Life staff during the required closing meetings.

12月16日(星期五)下午5点以上需要留校的学生必须填写留校申请表格。Remain late requests are designed for students who need to remain on campus due to on-campus academic commitments, on-campus employment, coach-supported athletic events or delayed travel arrangements.

Remain late requests for personal reasons are reviewed, but likely not granted. If approved, a $75 housing fee will be billed to your student account for each day you remain on campus after Ddecember 16.

Arrive Early or Remain Late

Early Arrival or Remain Late Permission


如果学生因个人原因请求提前到达或延迟停留许可,该请求将被审查,但可能不会被批准。For personal requests, if approved, a$75 housing fee for each dayprior to your scheduled move-in or after semester closing will be billed to your student account.

To request early arrival or remain late permission, please submit aStudent Request to Arrive Early form.

  • Early arrival request for fall semester requests need to be received no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, August 22, to be considered. Requests received after the deadline will not be reviewed.
  • Remain Late stay requests need to be received no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, December 13, to be considered. Requests received after the deadline will not be reviewed.

Instructions to submit a request


  • Go toevents.m.icarseries.com
  • Log in using your 1hope name and password
  • Scroll through reservation templates until you find "Student Request to Arrive Early or Remain Late"
  • Click "Book" which is two the right
  • Under date, click the calendar and then click on the Recurrence button
  • Leave the recurrence set to daily and then selectallthe days you need to stay
  • Click Apply Recurrence
  • Next select your location by clicking add/remove
    • This will pull up a place where you can search for your housing
    • Check the box next to your housing
    • Click update locations
  • When your housing location appears, click the green plus symbol next to your room.
  • Click the blue next step button which is on the top right
  • Enter the following:
    • Event name: This will be your name
    • Select event type
    • Group: use the magnifying glass and search for "Hope College Student
    • Enter your name as the 1st person contact
    • Enter your hope email address
    • Scroll down and select the responsible department
    • Explain your request
    • Select your reason for the request
    • Click on green "Create Reservation" button.

Hope is a residential college, so students are required tolive on campusfor their first three years.Through your residential experience, you’ll grow within your community, learn what it means to be a good neighbor in a global society and develop skills to prepare you for independent living post-graduation.

As you learn, develop and grow in and outside of the classroom, your Hope housing options grow with you. You’ll start off living in highly communal residence halls your first and second years, then move to more independent but college-supported cottages and apartment living during your junior and senior years. Our housing options provide places where you can anchor yourself throughout your college journey.