/ Provost's Office

Summer Research

Every year hundreds of students join mentors in disciplines across campus to delve into research through the Summer Hope Academic Research Program (SHARP).

Through SHARP students conduct research with faculty mentors each summer. Students learn cutting edge research techniques, conduct literature reviews, attend seminars, and analyze data. At the same time they engage with other research students across campus with lunches, weekly ice cream socials, and other events planned by individual departments or divisions. Typically research is presented to the larger community through professional conferences, divisional poster sessions, and/or the annual Hope CollegeCelebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Performance.

TheSHARP Application Systemis a clearinghouse of many research positions available across campus. Many
departmentsuse the SHARP application system to match students to projects. In other departments the best way to get involved in summer research is to talk to faculty about your interests and their projects. Talk to faculty or the office manager of your department to find out more.

Annual Timeline for SHARP application system

一些办公室不使用SHARP申请系统来匹配导师和学生。如果你没有看到你感兴趣的项目或你所在的部门,和你所在部门的办公室经理或你的顾问谈谈。Each department determines their own process for hiring, so the timeline below is a guideline only.

  • Early December: Faculty post summer research opportunities in SHARP and begin discussing research opportunities with possible student collaborators (ongoing).
  • January: Students apply to posted positions (for departments that use the SHARP application system).
  • February申请通常在2月初截止。具体期限由各部门决定。
  • March:Offer letters and contracts are emailed to the students, typically with stipend amount, confirmation of summer research dates (these will vary with each project), and acceptance information.
  • End of March (typically): DEADLINE FORSUMMER HOUSING APPLICATIONS.每个计划暑期在校园居住的学生必须通过住宿生活办公室提交在线住房申请。See theResidential Life page今年的最后期限。The 2022 deadline is March 28.
  • Early May:SHARP Program Manager sends individualized Time and Effort forms to students and their faculty mentors.
  • May through August:Summer research dates. Dates vary by project, but are typically 4-8 weeks long.
  • Early to mid June:Responsible Conduct of Research Training, offered to all students and in some cases a requirement for research.
  • Before the end of August:Faculty sign off on completed student Time & Effort forms and the Program Manager sends a summary of Time & Effort to Human Resources.
Students: How to Get Involved


Communication with yourhostingdepartmentis key. Read the offer letter carefully and respond with your acceptance. Often you will need to fill out other forms as well, including a contract and a health information form. These should be turned in to the Office Manager of your hosting department.

Non-Hope Studentswill also need to fill out aHealth History Form(or aHealth History form for International Students) and aTB formfor the Health Clinic. If you are an international student from another institution, you will also need to fill out anInternational Student Arrival Information Formand mail it to the Hope CollegePaul G. Fried Center for Global Engagement之前去旅行。


Are you going to be housed on campus while you research? If so, notify the Office Manager in your hosting department. In addition, youmustfill out a Summer Housing Application Form on theStudent Housing websitebyMarch 31. If you chose to live on campus, half of the cost of your on-campus housing (for up to ten weeks while conducting research) is covered by the college.


You may not have another job at Hope College while you are a full-time research student.In addition, many research contracts may stipulate thatno otheroutside positions are acceptable while conducting research, especially when a second job could impact safety and productivity in the research lab setting.

If this is your first job at Hope College, you must fill outfederal and state employment formsbefore you can start summer research. Employment forms requireproof of identity and authorization to workand must be turned in atHuman Resources, located at 100 East 8th Street Suite 210. We also encourage students to sign up fordirect depositthrough Human Resources.

Payment:暑期研修生的薪水是固定的,而不是按小时计算的。这意味着当你是一名研究生的时候,你可以期望每隔一周就有一笔固定的钱存入你的银行账户。您的研究津贴的全部数额将在您的聘书或合同中概述。If you have any questions about payment, stipened, or payment schedule, contact us atsharp@m.icarseries.com.

Time and Effort:Human Resources requires all summer research students to track the number of hours they work on research over the course of the summer. This will not impact your pay but will be used to ensure college compliance with federal regulations. Time and Effort forms will be emailed to you in early May. These must be completed by you and signed-off on by your faculty mentor by the end of August.

Summer Events

Responsible Conduct of Research Training –Monday, June 6, 2022

Faculty and Staff Resources


Basic instructions for entering projects in SHARP.
TheSHARP databaseis an online repository for projects and applications. It is used to streamline the hiring process and coordinate human resources, housing, and building access. Many departments advertise research opportunities and manage applications for projects through this system. For more detailed information on how to use the database, contactsharp@m.icarseries.com. Trainings, either for a department or an individual, are always available.


  • Faculty or Office Managerscan enter projects in to the SHARP database.
  • Studentsapply (optional -- students may also be directly hired by the office manager).
  • Facultydetermine student hires.
  • Faculty and Office Managerswork together to draft and distribute offer letters and contracts and collect student responses and forms. Office managers and faculty also must check that students have all new hire documents to Human Resources before the start of summer research.
  • Office Managershire students using the SHARP Database. This must be done by mid-April.

TheProgram Manager for SHARPwill:

  • Send faculty and students individualized Time and Effort forms to track student work time in early May. These will be filled out bystudents, signed byfaculty mentors,并在8月份以电子方式交付。
  • Answer questions and troubleshoot issues with the SHARP database system
  • Provide templates of forms (contracts or acceptance letters, health forms, etc.), and conduct training for those new to the SHARP application system, as requested.

If you are interested in form templates, have questions about the hiring process, or would like information about training on the SHARP database, contactLaura McMullen, Program Manager for SHARP.

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