/ Hope Summer Repertory Theatre

Support HSRT

For 50 years, HSRT has been a leading creative force in West Michigan.However, ticket sales cover only 50% of our operating costs.

$500K for50Years

The Hi...

Following one of the most successful and challenging seasons in the history of Hope Summer Repertory Theatre (HSRT), we NOW get to celebrate a true milestone for any theatre company…OUR 50th SEASON! A 50th Season marks a huge success for a theatre company -- not only to last that long, but to THRIVE! One of the major contributing factors to this success is the continuing support of donors to HSRT. Since 1972, donors have exhibited fantastic enthusiasm for keeping HSRT in our community.

Now is the time to use the memories of the past 49 seasons in planning the celebration of Season 50! Using the past as momentum, we are going to launch HSRT into a new era of providing world class theatre not just to Holland and Western Michigan, but making HSRT a true presence within the NATIONAL level of theatre.

HSRT is a cultural beacon on the stage of Western Michigan…and in the future, a stage for the entire country. Bringing in theater goers from throughout the United States as well as all of Michigan, these theatre enthusiasts experience the joy and beauty the amazing town of Holland offers. Imagine how many theatre enthusiasts will plan a trip to visit Holland and spread the word of the cultural phenomenon located within our community.

Raising $500,000 for the 50th Season may seem an ambitious goal, but one we can achieve together. This level of support will allow HSRT to grow and continue to be a vibrant community and cultural beacon – shining for many years to come.

It is my fervent hope you will join us in any way you can. If we all work together we CAN reach this ambitious goal. Please consider the immediate benefits for today and those for future generations. The arts are an investment that pays continuous dividends well beyond the walls of the theatre itself…and will shape our lives and the lives of future generations.


Lenny Banovez
Artistic Director
Hope Summer Repertory Theatre

The Why...

Why$500,000 for Season 50, andWhatit will bring:

  1. Production titles and theatre programming truly worthy of a 50th Season
  2. Commensurate pay for our amazing artists
  3. Increased audition and recruitment tour to find the best and brightest artists available for HSRT
  4. A new (and MUCH NEEDED) sound system in Hope’s DeWitt Theatre which will not only benefit HSRT, but the entire Hope College Theatre Department.
  5. Larger, more comprehensive educational and outreach programs – solidifying HSRT as a true and lasting presence within the Holland community.
  6. The opportunity for more community-based events with the HSRT Company during the summer
  7. The ability to expand programming throughout the year – not just summer months.
  8. The opportunity to create and produce new, exciting works raising the national profile of HSRT and Hope College.
The How...

$50,000 HSRT Season 49 Surplus
Season 49 presented challenges we have never seen before. COVID-19 had for all intents and purposes shut down our industry. However, with the hard work of so many, HSRT was one of only 35 companies at the start of our season to be approved to perform by the Actor’s Union. We also became a temporary outdoor theatre for the first time in our 49-year history. Even with all these challenges HSRT was able to achieve its most successful financial season in the history of the company.

2 Donors @ $50,000
Our50k for 50 Years Campaign. We are looking for 3 Corporate or “Producer” Donors to sponsor our milestone season. Totaling $100,000 toward our goal.

5 Donors @ $20,000
Our5 to 500k Campaign. We are looking for 5 Corporate or “Director” Donors to sponsor our milestone 50th Season. Totaling $100,000 toward our goal.

5 Donors @ $10,000
Our5 times 10 for the 50th Campaign. We are looking for 5 Corporate or “Playwright” Donors to sponsor our milestone 50th Season. Totaling $50,000 toward our goal.

10 Donors @ $5,000
Our10 5’s equal 50 Campaign. We are looking for 10 “Choreographer” Donors to sponsor our milestone 50th Season. Totaling $50,000 toward our goal.

50 Donors @ $1,000
Our50 ways to 50 Campaign. We are looking for 50 “Designer” Donors to sponsor our milestone 50th Season. Totaling $50,000 toward our goal.

100 Donors @ $500
Our100 ways to fund the 50th Campaign. We are looking for 100 “Actor” Donors to sponsor our milestone 50th Season. Totaling $50,000 toward our goal.

500 Donors @ $100
Our500 ways to fund the 50th Campaign. We are looking for 500 “Stage” Donors to sponsor our milestone 50th Season. Totaling $50,000 toward our goal

Donate Now!

Thank you for considering a gift to HSRT, and if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our artistic director,Lenny Banovez.

Patrons for the Arts

Patrons for the Arts encourage and support the fine and performing arts by providing additional competitive grants that enable Hope College to expand the quality and quantity of artistic offerings to students and the Holland community throughout the academic year. Patrons for the Arts explicitly support the fine and performing arts, Hope Summer Repertory Theatre and arts community outreach through annual gifts and contributions from the Patrons for the Arts Endowment fund. Patrons for the Arts subscribers are invited to engagements such as HSRT “Behind the Scenes,” Musical Showcase and other special events.

世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地希望学院是美国第一所在音乐、艺术、舞蹈和戏剧这四个艺术领域获得认证的私立文理学院。每年,其中一门艺术轮流获得一笔更大的赠款,以支持一项为学生和赞助人的体验增加重要能量和价值的倡议。Support Patrons for the Arts with your gift.

If you would like to learn more, please contact Mark DeWitt atdewittm@m.icarseries.comor call 616.395.7357. Thank you for your support of the arts at Hope College.

Center Stage Circle

Become a member of the Center Stage CircleYour donation to the Center Stage Circle provides support specificially to Hope Summer Repertory Theatre. As a Center Stage Circle Donor you recieve:

  • Special recognition in our season programs
  • The opportunity to choose your dates for our productions before the general public
  • Access to special seating based on availability when purchasing your tickets and season packages
  • Invitations to special Center Stage Circle events like the Summer Gala, Previews, Season Reveal and more

Corporate Sponsors
Corporate Donations
$5,000 and above

The Producers Circle
Individual Donations
$5,000 and above

The Directors Circle
Individual Donations
$2,500 to $4,999

The Playwrights Circle
Individual Donations
$1,500 to $2,499

The Actors Circle
Individual Donations
$500 to $1,499

Support Businesses that Support HSRT

We are thankful for the businesses that have given great support to the Hope Summer Repertory Theatre. Consider supporting these businesses on your next outing for food, flowers and more.

Business Promoters

HSRT is thankful for the support of the Season 48 Business Promoters.

Title Sponsor

HSRT has opportunities available for title sponsorships. Please contact Staci Timmer atengagehsrt@m.icarseries.comor 616.395.7600.

Program Advertising

Want to reach over 30,000 people committed to the arts and catch the attention of an audience most advertisers are seeking to reach?

As an advertiser in the HSRT program, your business will benefit from appearing in our 20,000 printed programs, which recirculate into nearly 30,000 pairs of hands throughout the summer. From families and young couples to seasoned theatre veterans, HSRT audience members are clearly willing and able to support the business in the area. We also encourage our audience members to support the advertisers, so any money you spend on advertising will be easily made up in new and continuing sales.

For more information contact Staci Timmer via emailengagehsrt@m.icarseries.comor via phone 616.395.7600.