/ Health Center

HopeHealth Benefit

TheHopeHealth该福利适用于所有全日制在校攻读学位的学生。Itprovides students up to $1,000 inhealthcarebenefitswhen services are accessed through theHopeHealthCenter.

  • Effective dates:
    • August 19–December 16, 2022
    • January 9–May 3, 2023
  • All Hope students registered for 12+ credits in the current semester automatically have the HopeHealth benefit as part of their tuition package
  • Part-time students may use our services, but are not covered under the HopeHealth Benefit.
  • Benefit is available only during the Hope Health Center operating hours
  • Benefit isnotusable during any of the scheduled school breaks

HopeHealth Benefit covers 100 percent of the following costs when the student seeks healthcare in the Hope Health center (up to a maximum of $1,000 per student per school year).

Sickness visits to Hope Health Center
  • Office visit fees for mental health and illnesses are covered
  • Exposure to cummunicable disease and/or sexually transmitted disease is covered (screening testing may be limited to once per school year)
  • Laboratory and/or x-ray fees related to the office visit at the discretion of the ordering provider
Injury visits to Hope Health Center
  • Office visit fees for injuries are covered
  • X-ray fees related to office visit when ordered by Health Center staff
  • Athletic trainer office visit fees for non-collegiate athletes, acute injury and short-term treatments only
Women's healthcare visits to Hope Health Center
  • Yearly exam and fees associated with laboratory testing ordered by Health Center staff
Prescription medication

Prescription medications that are dispensed from the Health Center will be covered with the following conditions:

  • The student will be assessed a prescription medicine co-pay, based upon the cost of the medication, using the following scale:
    • Medication/Prescription supplies up to $15: $5 co-pay
    • Medication/Prescription supplies $16–30: $10 co-pay
    • Medication/Prescription supplies $31–45:$15 co-pay
    • Medication/Prescription supplies $46–60:$20 co-pay
    • Medication/Prescription supplies $61–75:$25 co-pay
    • Medication/Prescription supplies $76–90:$30 co-pay
    • Medication/Prescription supplies $91–105:$35 co-pay
    • Medication/Prescription supplies $106–130: $40 co-pay
    • Medication/Prescription supplies $131–145:$45 co-pay
    • Medication/Prescription supplies $146–160:$50 co-pay
  • Only prescription medications prescribed by and stocked in the Hope Health Center will be covered. We cannot fill prescriptions from other providers.
Preventive Services provided at Hope Health Center
  • Tuberculosis skin testing (maximun of one test per school year)
  • Athletic physicals for recognized college teamsand club sports
  • Physicals for Study Abroad programs
  • Immunizations that are required for attendance at Hope College are covered
  • Yearly flu vaccine is covered
  • COVID-19 vaccine is covered
Academic Class Requirements

Laboratory testing required for academic classes will be covered if performed in the Health Center.

HopeHealth Benefit will not cover

Refer to your major medical coverage for the following:

  • ADD and/or ADHD diagnosis, follow-up and treatment
  • Dental related injury/illness and medications associated therewith
  • EKG's
  • Emergency Room and/or Urgent Care Centers
  • Laboratory fees related to home doctor lab orders or requests for screening/testing for long standing concerns*
  • MRI, ultrasound or CT scan
  • Orthotics
  • Over-the-counter medication*
  • Over-the-counter supplies*
  • Physical therapy
  • Referrals to off campus specialists
  • Travel immunizations*
  • Ultrasounds
  • Wart treatment

* Service is available at the Hope Health Center. Students may choose to pay for the service or have fees placed onto their student account. An insurance statement can be requested if students wish to submit the charges to their major medical insurance or HSA for reimbursement.


Full-time students may use their HopeHealth Benefit to cover their expenses. Students who have reached the yearly maximum may choose to place fees onto their student account or pay at the time of service.

Fees for over-the-counter medications and prescription co-pays may be paid at the time of service or placed onto the student's account.

Part-time students may pay at time of service or have their fees placed onto their student account.

Students may request an insurance statement for coverage of services not covered under the HopeHealth benefit. The student is responsible to submit this to their major medical provider.