/ Equity and Compliance

Consumer Information

In accordance with federal regulations set forth under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all students at Hope College.

The Directory of Consumer Information is an accumulation of important information from various offices across campus. Should you have any questions concerning this web page or its content, please contact one of the persons identified below:

We encourage students and prospective students with complaints/concerns involving institutional policies and/or consumer protection issues to utilize the College Complaint Policy by completing theComplaint Form.

根据教育部于2010年10月29日建立的《项目诚信条例》(34 C.F.R. 668.43)的国家授权规定,以下联系信息可用于在参与上述过程后仍未解决的投诉。Complaints concerning broad institutional academic practices, such as those that raise issues regarding the College’s ability to meet accreditation standards, may be submitted through The Higher Learning Commission onlineComplaint Process或致电230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604-1413与他们联系(或电话800.621.7440)。Complaints concerning consumer protection violations may be submitted to the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Michigan, Consumer Protection Division, through their onlineConsumer Complaint Formor by mailing in the paper version of the form to P.O. Box 30213, Lansing, MI 48909-7713.

Each topic provides a brief description of the information that must be disclosed and provides access to the information.

Information About Hope College

Cost of attending the institution
Cost Calculator
Textbook pricing information
  • The Hope-Geneva Bookstore serves students by providing the textbooks, reference books, materials and supplies that are required or recommended for course use. Textbook prices vary widely depending on your major and year of study.Find the current booklist, including the option to check comparison prices. (Within the comparison tool you are able to access the ISBN numbers for each book.)
Refund policies
  • Hope College has established a refund policy for students who find it necessary to totally withdraw from the college. Withdrawing from college has, among other factors, important financial considerations such as the charges a student will be responsible to pay and the amount of financial aid a student receives. See theLoading...section of the current catalog for specific details.
Official withdrawal procedures
Return of Title IV funds requirements
  • The federal government mandates that students who withdraw from all classes (officially or unofficially) may only keep the federal financial aid that they have earned up to the time of official withdrawal or assessed date of unofficial withdrawal. Funds that were disbursed and are no longer considered earned must be returned to the federal government by the College or the student.

    See theWithdrawal and Refunds Sectionof the Finanical Aid page.
Academic programs, facilities and instructional personnel
  • Information on the college's academic programs, degree offerings and instructional personnel is available in thecollege catalog.
  • Information about the academic facilities on campus can be found on ourcampus map.
  • Plans for institutional goals for improving academic programs can be found in ourstrategic plan.
Accreditation and licensing of the institution
  • Theaccreditation and licensing of the institutionfor Hope College is located in thePresident's Office.The accreditation of specific academic programs is located in theProvost's Office. Students may review copies of documents regarding entities that accredit, license or approve the institution and its programs.

    Please contact the Office of the President or the Office of the Provost in scheduling the review of these documents.
Services and facilities for students with disabilities
Drug and alcohol abuse prevention program information
  • The Drug Free Schools and Campuses implementing regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) of 1989 (Public Law 101-226, 20 U.S.C. 1011i) require an Institution of Higher Education (IHE) such as Hope College (Hope), to certify that it has implemented programs to prevent the abuse of alcohol and use and/or distribution of illicit drugs both by Hope students and employees either on its premises and as a part of any of its activities.

    Hope sends an annual notification to students and employees reminding them of our Alcohol and Drug Policy and our Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Plan.
Copyright and peer-to-peer file sharing issues
Vaccination policies
  • In compliance with recommendation from the American College Health Association, Hope College requires that all incoming students provide documented proof of vaccinations before moving into student housing. Click the link below for additional information Thelist of required immunizations and additional informationcan be found through the Hope Health Center.
Constitution Day
  • The college celebrates Constitution Day annually in September.
Notice to enrolled students of the availability of consumer information
  • After thedrop/add deadlineduring the fall and spring semesters, Hope College sends an email to all enrolled students to notify them of the consumer information available including a link to this web site.
Voter Registration
  • Federal law mandates that all colleges and universities in the country makevoter registration informationavailable to all students who are eligibile to vote and attending their institutions.

Academic Data/Registrar's

Privacy of Student Records – FERPA rights
  • TheFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act(FERPA,也被称为巴克利修正案)于1974年由国会通过,以保护学生记录和信息的机密性。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地霍普学院的学生记录政策包含了FERPA保障的权利。Students are notified of their FERPA rights annually through publication in theHope College Catalogand the student handbook. Additional information can be found through theRegistrar's Office.
Transfer credit policies
  • Hope has an on-going list of courses that will be accepted for transfer from other institutions, as can be found in theTransfer Equivalency System. Additional information about transfer credit and credit requests can be found through theRegistrar's Office.
Placement rate information if rate used to attract students
  • Not applicable at Hope College.
Completion or graduation rate, retention rate and transfer-out rate of full-time undergraduates
Graduation rate by grant and loan
Report on completion or graduation rate and transfer-out rate of student athletes
  • As a NCAA Division III school, Hope is not required to report this information.
Report on athletic program participation rates and financial data
  • Hope College prepares an annualEquity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) report. This reports contains participation rates, financial support, and other information on men's and women's intercollegiate athletic programs.

    Hope College's EADA Report isavailable online.
Diversity of the student body
  • The diversity of the student body is reported to IPEDS in the Fall Enrollment Report Part A through theFrost Research Center. Additionally, it can also be found on the second page of theEnrollment Reportsposted by the Registrar's Office.
Retention rate reported to IPEDS
  • The overall retention rate is reported to IPEDS in the Fall Enrollment Report Part E through theFrost Research Center.

Graduate or professional education of graduates from institution's 4-year degree programs
Placement and employment information of degree or certificate program graduates

Financial Aid

Available financial aid
  • The Office of Financial Aid webpageincludes information about the following:
    • Need-based and non-need-based federal, state, private, and institutional financial assistance programs available to students
    • Eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for aid
    • Criteria for selecting recipients and determining amount of award
    • Methods and frequency of disbursements of aid
    • Financial aid terms and conditions, including terms applicable to employment provided as part of a financial aid package
    • Rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV, HEA loans
    • The availability of financial aid for study abroad programs
    • How financial aid is handled when students withdraw
    • Who to contact for questions regarding financial aid
Rights and responsibilities of financial aid recipients
  • Student receiving federal financial aid have certain rights and responsibilities inherent in the receipt of these funds. View theterms and conditions.
Federal Student Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations
  • While we must still provide the information in the second bullet of this section, please note因毒品定罪而失去联邦学生资助的规定不再适用。2021年,美国教育部取消了学生资格要求,这样学生就不会再因为在入学和接受第四章援助期间犯有毒品罪而面临处罚或暂停第四章援助。如果您对此信息有任何疑问,请联系财政援助办公室。
  • Federal law provides that a student who has been convicted of an offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance during a period of enrollment for which the student was receiving financial aid shall not be eligible to receive any federal grant, loan or work assistance.
Direct Loan model disclosure form
Preferred lender list and disclosures
  • Hope College has no preferred lender arrangements for private student loans.
Title IV Eligibility for Study Abroad
  • A student’s enrollment in a program of study abroad approved for credit by Hope may be considered enrollment at Hope for the purpose of applying for assistance under the Federal Student Aid programs.
Verification requirements
  • The Federal Processor selects some FAFSA filers for a process called verification where applicants must submit income and other documentation to support the information on the FAFSA. The verification worksheet can be found in the "What Happens Next" section of the webpage about Financial Aid basics.
State grant assistance
  • Students may be eligible for assistance from their state of residency. Thestate educational agencyprovides information on these programs.
Private education loan disclosures if school provides information about a private education loan from a lender to a prospective borrower
  • 私人教育贷款机构必须向申请人提供有关其贷款的某些信息披露。Find more information.
Entrance Counseling – Title IV Loan Programs
Code of conduct if school participates in Title IV loan program
  • Schools whose student receive federal student loan funds are required to have a Title IV loan program code of conduct.Find Hope's code of conduct.
Private lender assistance in preparing educational counseling, financial literacy or debt management materials
  • 世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地希望学院没有私人贷款机构的资助。
Exit counseling – Title IV loan programs
  • Schools are required to provide borrowers of Federal Perkins and Direct Loans information aboutrepayment rights and responsibilities Loan Exit Counseling. The Office of Financial Aid contacts borrowers before graduation or shortly after a student ceases at least half-time enrollment regarding exit counseling.
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant exit counseling
TEACH Grant initial counseling
TEACH Grant subsequent counseling
  • Each subsequent year a Federal TEACH Grant-eligible student must completeTEACH Grant counseling. This information is included on the recipients' award letters.
Reimbursements for service on advisory boards
  • 联邦法规要求机构每年根据《贷款真相法》(见《其他法律修正案》、《私人学生贷款改善法》、《贷款真相法》、《防止不公平和欺骗性的私人教育Landing Practices》和《消除利益冲突》)的140(d)条向经济援助办公室的任何雇员报告支付或提供的合理费用。或其他对教育贷款或机构的其他财政援助负有责任的人。

    There are no Hope College employees serving on advisory boards in the financial aid office or who otherwise have responsibilities with respect to education loans or other financial aid of the institution.

Campus Safety

Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
  • The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act or "Clery Act" is a federal statute that requires all colleges and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses. In compliance with the Clery Act, Hope College provides theAnnual Security and Fire Safety Report.
Emergency response and evacuation procedures
  • The Office of Health and Fire Safety provide anemergency guide所有必要的信息以应对紧急情况
  • Evacuation procedures are posted in each residence hall.
Crime and Fire Log
  • Hope College maintains a daily crime and fire log as set forth in the Jeanne Clery Act.The log for the most recent 60-day period is available for inspection at any time in Campus Safety (oronline for Hope community members). We will make any portion of the log older than 60 days available within two business days of a request for public inspection. ContactCampus Safetyat616.395.7770to make a request.
Emergency notification
  • The College will, without delay, initiate the emergency response system to notify the campus community upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation (e.g., gas leak, train derailment, contagious virus, etc.) involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on campus. The only exceptions of this are when notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to assist victims or to contain, respond to or otherwise mitigate the emergency.Read our Timely Warning and Emergency Notification policy in full.

    In case of emergency, find up-to-date information online atm.icarseries.com/alert.
Timely Warning
  • Timely warnings通知学生、教师和工作人员某些可能对校园社区构成严重或持续威胁的罪行,并提高安全意识。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩及时的警告还寻求可能导致逮捕和定罪罪犯的信息,当暴力犯罪对人或重大财产犯罪的报告。

    A Timely Warning will be sent out after Campus Safety has been made aware of pertinent information about a crime. Warnings will be sent out to the campus community by campus-wide email and will also be posted on InHope. Anyone with information warranting a Timely Warning should report the circumstances to Campus Safety immediately.
Missing student notification policies and procedures
Penalties for Drug Violations
  • Hope College policies clearly prohibit the illegal use of alcohol and drugs. The college will impose sanctions on students or employees ranging from warning up to and including expulsion or referral for prosecution for violations of college standards of conduct.

    For more information please refer to theStudent Handbookor contact theOffice of Student Development.
Registered sex offenders information