/ Campus Ministries

Small Groups

Four woodcut-style graphics of a tree beside a river with different colors for each of the four seasonsStudent-Led Bible Studies

Hope College Small Group Bible studies are led by current Hope students and meet at various times throughout the week. This campus-wide study is a great way to connect with God and with other students. Come grow and learn with us while we study the book of Philippians.

Sign up for Small Group Bible Study

Chaplain- and Faculty-Led Groups

Asian Christian FellowshipFall 2022
  • Wednesdays, 3–4 p.m., beginning September 14

This group meets 3–4 p.m. on Wednesday afternoons and is hosted by professors Fu-Ying Chuang and Yew Meng Koh. It begins September 13 and will run for six weeks. If you are of Asian descent or interested in Asian culture and desire to grow in faith, this special group is for you!

Sign up for Asian Chrstian Fellowship

Awakening ImaginationFall 2022
  • Tuesdays, 11 a.m., beginning September 27

This four-week study will engage your imagination and deepen your walk of faith. Nancy Smith
and Anna Bonnema, professor and author ofCreative God: Awaken your God-Given
Imagination, will host this group. Join us for a creative discussion on imaginative life and prayer.

Sign up for Awakening Imagination

Bible Study for SkepticsFall 2022
  • Thursday mornings, 11 a.m., September 15–October 20

This 6-week study meets Thursdays from 11–11:50 a.m. in Room 201 at the Campus Ministries house. It runs from January 20 until March 24. Contact Nancy (smithn@m.icarseries.com) or Jennifer (rydenj@m.icarseries.com) with your questions.

Sign up for Bible Study for Skeptics

Creativity and the CreatorFall 2022
  • Every other Tuesday, 4:30 p.m., beginning September 13

This group, hosted by chaplain Ryden and professor Greg Lookerse, will be a space for conversation around creative practice and Christian faith. We will be guided by the bookLifting the Veilby Malcolm Guite. If you are interested in reflecting on faith and art, please join us Tuesday mornings at 11 a.m. in the Harvey Prayer Chapel beginning September 13!

Sign up for Creativity and the Creator

Global Student MinistryFall 2022
  • Sundays twice monthly, 6 p.m., beginning September 11

Are you an international student or global minded? Do you love gathering with Christians from around the world? This group meets twice monthly on Sunday nights, starting September 11 at 6 p.m. in the Dimnent basement. Join us for fun, food and encouraging conversation.

“We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.”
—John Stott

Resilient: An Approach to LifeFall 2022
  • Wednesdays, 1 p.m., September 14–November 2
  • Thursdays, 11 a.m., September 15–November 3

Join this 8-week conversation this fall with Chaplain Matt Margaron learning how to truly embrace life’s challenges with resilience and grit. Through great conversation, a lot of laughter, some good books and friendship… our hope is to develop physically, spiritually and emotionally healthy practices that lead to a more resilient approach toward your life and faith.


  • Resilient, John Eldredge
  • Grit, Angela Duckworth
Spanish-Speaking Bible StudyFall 2022
  • Tuesday mornings, 11 a.m., beginning September 13

Interested in studying the book of Philippians in Spanish? Join professors Woolsey and Forester Tuesday mornings starting September 13.

Athletics Core DevotionsFall 2022 and Spring 2023
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Midweek devotional forallathletes over coffee and donuts with Matt Margaron, chaplain of athletics, in the Campus Ministries Living Room.

Freshman Athletes of FaithFall 2022 and Spring 2023
  • Thursday nights, 9–10 p.m.

This group is specifically designed to be a place where freshman athletes who are interested in meeting other athletes who are interested in living out and growing in their faith during their time here at Hope College. This group will be lead by Ben DeBoer and athletic alumni who can relate to what it's like to pursue your faith in the context of sports on a college campus.

Men’s GroupFall 2022 and Spring 2023
  • Thursdays, 5 p.m., Campus Ministries

This group will be a brave space where the men of Hope College can come and have authentic conversations and fellowship about what Christian manhood is all about. We will be reading selections from scripture and Tony Evans’Kingdom Man. Chaplain Shomari Tate leads this small group, please email him with any questions attate@m.icarseries.com.

Sign up for Men’s Group

Worship and WordFall 2022 and Spring 2023
  • Fall 2022 dates and times TBD

Come join us in the Campus Ministries living room for prayer, devotions and worship. Co-hosted by Shomari Tate and MSO students.

AlphaSpring 2023

Do you wish to understand the basics of the Christian faith a little better? Alpha is a 12-week series that has something to offer everyone, from the person with no prior experience with the church or things of faith to the person who has been attending church their whole lives. We will watch a video, each of which are designed to engage and inspire conversation. Join us to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest and open environment.

Sign up for Alpha
Life After CollegeSpring 2023

This group is an opportunity for graduating spring seniors to prepare for pursuing a life of faith after college. Seniors will meet with chaplains Jill Nelson and Matt Margaron weekly to have honest conversations about calling, relationships, money and so much more.

Purpose-Driven LifeSpring 2023
  • Spring 2023 dates and times TBD

What will you do with the rest of your life? For six weeks we’ll consider that question and many more as we read together the classic bookPurpose Driven Life. Come and learn about God’s purpose for you and his love for you in Jesus Christ.

Sign up for Purpose-Driven Life