Dr. Jeff Tyler

Professor of Religion
616.395.7436 tyler@m.icarseries.com
Profile photo of Dr. Jeff Tyler

Jeff Tyler joined the Hope College faculty in 1995. From 2004–2013 he directed the college’s Senior Seminar Program.

Jeff teaches courses on the history of Christianity, including seminars on Medieval monasticism and mysticism, Reformation history and theology, Martin Luther, and the history of preaching. Jeff also offers classes on the American dream, Christian spirituality, Marvel comics, and death and dying. In every course, Jeff explores how people of the past and present express and live out what they believe in a world of dramatic change, acute suffering and enduring hope.

AREAS OF Expertise

Jeff’s scholarship focuses on issues of church and state, society and law, and biblical interpretation in the Middle Ages and Reformation. His publications includeLord of the Sacred City(Brill, 1999) andJeremiah,Lamentationsin the Reformation Commentary Series (IVP Academic, 2018). His articles and essays have explored a wide range of topics, including the legacy of Martin Luther, the place of diversity in Christianity, the role of bishops in the Reformation, the banishment of undesirable people and the impact ofThe Da Vinci Code.


  • Ph. D., history, University of Arizona, 1995
  • Fulbright Fellow, University of Tübingen, Germany, 1991–1993
  • Master of Divinity, Western Theological Seminary, 1986
  • Bachelor of Arts, Hope College, 1982


  • Simon denUyl Summer Fellowship, Hope College, summer 2015
  • Diversity, Leadership, and Service Award, Hope College Office of Multicultural Education, spring 2015
  • Janet L. Anderson Excellence in Teaching Award, Hope College, January 2011
  • H.O.P.E.(Hope Outstanding Professor Educator) Teaching Award as voted by the graduating class of 2001, May 2001
  • Fulbright Research Scholarship, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, January–June 2000
  • Towsley Research Scholars Grant, Hope College, 1998–2001

Outside the College

当杰夫在湖边钓鱼时,世界和它的问题都消失了。他还喜欢所有与历史有关的东西——纪录片、博物馆、战场、城堡、大教堂——当然还有书籍!当他的眼睛疲劳时,你可能会发现他在看一本漫画书(或者用现在的说法,是一本图画小说)。他的妻子贝丝是一名注册护士,专门从事临终关怀和家庭健康。他和贝丝有两个成年的儿子。Beth and Jeff love all things Germany and have lived there during his research grants and sabbaticals.

Profile photo of Dr. Jeff Tyler
Dr. Jeff Tyler

Phone Number616.395.7436

Lubbers Hall Room 123126 East 10th StreetHolland,MI49423-3516
A map showing the location for Dr. Jeff Tyler Lubbers Hall Room 123 126 East 10th Street Holland MI 49423-3516