Tori Longfield

Assistant Librarian for the Digital Liberal Arts
Profile photo of  Tori Longfield

Victoria Longfield began her career at Van Wylen Library in fall 2016 in the brand new position of digital liberal arts librarian. She provides support for digital and technology-driven scholarship throughout the campus. This includes support for faculty and student research as well as class projects and assignments. Victoria also is creating a workshop series to teach and support digital tools for scholarship.

Prior to assuming her position at Hope College, she worked at the Scholarly Commons Library at the University of Illinois, assisting faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students with digital humanities projects, digital mapping, qualitative analysis software and numeric data searching.


  • M.S., library and information science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016
  • B.M., flute performance, Hope College, 2015
  • B.A., history, Hope College, 2015

Outside Hope

Victoria enjoys playing flute on the worship ensemble at Pillar Church, around the Holland area and in her basement. She hopes to take on a few flute students in the near future. She is recently married to her husband, Nathan, who is also a Hope College graduate. The couple enjoys spending time in the Holland community and biking out to the beach in the summer, and are actively involved at their church.

Profile photo of  Tori Longfield
Tori Longfield

Phone Number616.395.7013

53 Graves PlaceHolland,MI49423
A map showing the location for  Tori Longfield 53 Graves Place Holland MI 49423