Cindy Kleinheksel

Office Assistant
Profile photo of  Cindy Kleinheksel

Cindy Kleinheksel began working at Hope in 2014 as a part-time administrative assistant in the Campus Ministries office, where her responsibilities include assisting with various projects, speaker visits and planning Spring Break Immersion Trips.


  • B.A., human resources, Grand Valley State University

Professional ExperiencE

Cindy worked in human resources at the Donnelly Corporation for many years before staying at home and raising her three children.

Outside The College

辛迪喜欢跑步、散步和和她的朋友聊天。她是底特律老虎队和汉密尔顿鹰眼队的狂热球迷。She and her husband enjoy spending time up north when they are not attending their children’s sporting events.

Profile photo of  Cindy Kleinheksel
Cindy Kleinheksel

Phone Number616.395.7145

van Andel Huys der Hope110 East 12th StreetHolland,MI49423-3698
A map showing the location for  Cindy Kleinheksel van Andel Huys der Hope 110 East 12th Street Holland MI 49423-3698