Dr. Emilie Goris

Associate Professor of Nursing
Profile photo of Dr. Emilie Goris

Dr. Emilie Dykstra Goris, R.N., graduated with her Ph.D. from the Michigan State University College of Nursing in 2013.

She is an alumna of the month-long National Institute of Nursing Research Summer Genetics Institute at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and was honored with a Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity predoctoral fellow by the John A. Hartford Foundation. Dr. Dykstra Goris has received funding to support her research from the Kenneth H. Campbell Foundation for Neurological Research, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the John A. Hartford Foundation.

Dr. Dykstra Goris is an active member of:

  • American Nurses Association (ANA)
  • Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
  • International Society of Nurses in Genetics (iSONG)
  • Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS)


  • Ph.D., nursing, Michigan State University College of Nursing, 2013
  • BSN, nursing, Hope College, 2008

Additional Education

  • Summer Genetics Institute, National Institute of Nursing Research, National Institute of Health, 2014
  • Molecular Genetics Training Experience, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, 2013

Current Research

Mother's Milk for Michigan Infants

Principal Investigators:

Mother’s Milk for Michigan Infants (MMMI) is a group of nurse researchers at Hope College interested in learning more about what influences a mother’s ability to make enough milk for her baby. Previous studies indicate that choosing to breastfeed one's baby is influenced by support systems, knowledge about breastfeeding, and the desire to breastfeed. Researchers are learning more about how a woman's body, her DNA and medical conditions may also influence how long she breastfeeds.

Exploring Apathy and Genetics Among Individuals with Alzheimer Disease

This project directly applies Dr. Dykstra Goris's earlier work to further study of the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTR) as a candidate gene for apathy among individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Dr.Dykstra Goris is working with undergraduate students cross-trained in nursing and molecular biology techniques to conduct follow-up genotyping and analyses on previously collected DNA samples from individuals with AD. The research team utilizes single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or DNA variations, which occur relatively frequently throughout the human genome, as useful markers or "tags" (biomarkers) in exploring the relationships among genes of interest (candidate genes) and characteristics of interest (phenotypes). Current work in the Dykstra Goris Lab is focused on examining variations within both OXTR and the Vasopressin Receptor Gene (AVPR1A) and the relationship with frequency and severity of apathy symptoms.

Selected Grants, Awards and Honors

  • Jacob. E Nyenhuis Faculty Development Grant, "Expoloring Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Genetics Using the GenADA Cohort," $4,000 (2018)
  • Kenneth H. Campbell Foundation for Neurological Research, "Oxytocin Receptor Gene (OXTR) as a Candidate Gene for Apathy Among Persons with Alzheimer Disease," $50,000 (2015–2017)
  • Distinguished Young Alumni Award, Hope College Alumni Association (2016)
  • Physiology, Behavior, Genomics, and Society Outstanding Dissertation Award, Midwest Nursing Research Society (2015)
  • John A. Hartford Foundation Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity (BAGNC) Predoctoral Scholarship Award, $100,000 (2011–2013)

Selected Publications

  • "Symptoms of Apathy and Passivity in Dementia: A Simultaneous Concept Analysis," with A.Gilmore-Bykovski, L. Block and R. Johnson,Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2018
  • “Quantitative Systematic Review of the Effects of Non-pharmacological Interventions on Reducing Apathy in Persons with Dementia,” with K.N. Ansel and D.L. Schutte,Journal of Advanced Nursing, 72(11), 2016
  • “Community Health Needs Assessment in a Rural Setting: Foundation for a Community-Academic Partnership,” with D.L. Schutte, J.L. Rivard, CoSAGE Community Research Advisory Committee and B.C. Schutte,Journal of Higher Education, Outreach and Engagement, 20(2), 2016
  • “Community Leader Perceptions of the Health Needs of Older Adults,” with D.L. Schutte, J. Rivard and B. Schutte,Western Journal of Nursing Research, 37(5), 2015
  • “The Implications of Genomics on the Nursing Care of Adults with Neuropsychiatric Conditions,” with D.L. Schutte and M.A. Davies,The Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 45(1), 2013

Selected Presentations


  • "Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR) and Vasopressin Receptor (AVPR1A) Genes as Candidate Genes for Apathy in Persons with Alzheimer Disease," paper presentation with S. Melby et al., Midwest Nursing Research Society 42nd Annual Nursing Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 2018
  • “Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR) and Vasopressin Receptor (AVPR1A) Genes as Candidate Genes for Apathy in Persons with Alzheimer Disease,” podium presentation with J. Johnson, S. Melby, A. Vroom and D.L. Schutte, International Society of Nurses in Genetics World Congress, Reston, Virginia, November 2017
  • “Adapting The Need-Driven Dementia-Compromised Behavior Model to Advance the Study of Genotype-Phenotype Correlations,” poster presentation, International Society of Nurses in Genetics World Congress, Dublin, Ireland, August 2016
  • “OXTR as a Candidate Gene for Apathy Among Persons with Alzheimer Disease,” paper presentation with N.L. Tintle and D.L. Schutte, International Society of Nurses in Genetics Silver Anniversary Conference, Bethesda, Massachusetts, October 2013

National and Regional

  • “A Systematic Review of Maternal Provision of Milk for Hospitalized Very Low Birthweight Infants,” poster presentation with B. Vanderkin and A. Esquerra-Zwiers, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Oklahoma City, April 2018
  • “Apathy, Sleep Disturbance, and the CLOCK Gene among Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease. Poster presentation with J. Johnson, V. Voskuil and D.L. Schutte, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Memphis, Tennessee, April 2017
  • “Apathy Severity as a Predictor of Functional Status among Persons with Alzheimer Disease,” paper presentation with D.L. Schutte, Gerontological Society of America 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, D.C., November 2014
  • “Apathy Among Persons with Alzheimer Disease as Measured by the Neuropsychatric Inventory and Apathy Inventory,” paper presentation with D.L. Schutte, Gerontological Society of America 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, November 2013

Outside of the College

Dr. Dykstra Goris enjoys spending time with her husband and two young sons. She gardens, keeps chickens and appreciates family time at Big Star Lake.

Profile photo of Dr. Emilie Goris
Dr. Emilie Goris

Phone Number616.395.7422

A. Paul Schaap Science Center 114335 East 12th StreetHolland,MI49423
A map showing the location for Dr. Emilie Goris A. Paul Schaap Science Center 1143 35 East 12th Street Holland MI 49423