开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 CALSCALE:公历PRODID: iCalendar-Ruby开始:VEVENT类:校园生活、学生发展、学生生活,拉描述:拉位于11街2021号\ n \ nThe可敬的希望C ollege拉拔河是一年的中断之后,返回\,并将于星期六\,10月2日\,下午3点在南边的林肯和费尔班克斯大街11号街。公众\ n \ nThe邀请。免门票。1898 \ \ n \ nFirst举行,每年秋天拉强调在H开放。竞争\,大一、大二团队\,根深蒂固的分项列低坑河的两边\,试图获得最绳圆弧他们的力量和耐力。\ n \ nThe事件被取消了去年由于全球COVID-19大流行。事件也是如此的坚强\ 2019年最近一期中,比赛正在举行校园相反的传统黑色河流因为高水位的位置。\ n \ n”拉是一个珍贵的传统和我们很高兴希望能回报今年\ n,”事件的员工顾问\说,副总裁理查德·弗罗斯特\博士,谁是学生发展和院长的学生。“我们disap指出水位再次阻止了我们拿着它在th e黑色河\,这已经是一个充分竞争的中心部分更多\ t汉一个世纪,但我们很兴奋,我们发现在2019年校园lo阳离子让人们更容易参加和经验。学生所做的杰出工作的今年的齐心协力\和th e团队一直努力训练\,和我们希望校园和H olland 11街社区将会给他们带来欢乐。“\ n \服装年的2025年将坑类的成员(新生)和2024 (sophom矿石)。\每个团队都有相同数量的成员,每人18学生在绳子上的“车夫”和一个等价的总充当向导和士气助推器\,或“moralers。“新生coac hed在三年级,二年级的指示的老年人。教练安排也会导致年和年多类之间的竞争。\ n \ nLast年仅名列第五记录取消拉的124年的历史。 The other four cancelations were during the wo rld wars (1918\, 1943 and 1944)\, and because of a campus-wide flu epidemic (1957). There is no record of the contests from 1899 through 1908.\n\nAs best can be gleaned from memory and period accounts\, the Pull has taken pl ace at just three other locations since it began in 1898: first across a sm all stream near Pilgrim Home Cemetery\; at its best-known site across the B lack River for most of 1910 through 2018\; and — also because of wet condit ions — across the Black River at the American Legion golf course in 1952.\n \nIn 1977\, the Pull set a record for length and uniqueness. The freshmen a nd sophomores tugged for three hours and 51 minutes before judges called a tie due to darkness. In contrast\, the shortest Pull lasted two minutes and 40 seconds in 1956.\n\nNew rules were implemented in 1978\, following the 1977 marathon\, limiting the event’s duration. The rules now allow the judg es to determine the winning class by measuring the amount of rope pulled fr om the other team if one team has not claimed all of the rope within three hours.\n\nThe freshman Class of 2023 won the 2019 Pull\, held on Saturday\, Sept. 28\, 2019. Through the years\, the sophomores and even-year classes have held the edge in the win-loss column. Since 1909\, the sophomores have taken 70 contests to the freshman class’s 32\; the even-year/odd-year spli t for the same period is 56 to 46.\n\n11th Street will be closed between Li ncoln and Fairbanks due to the Pull\, although there will still be access t o the DeVos Fieldhouse parking lots along 11th\, which will be available fo r public use. There will be no parking on the south side of 11th Street al ong the Pull site.\n\nDue to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic\, Hope is currently requiring that masks be worn by all individuals while indoors on campus\, unless in their living space or alone in their work space\, but n ot at outdoor events.\n\nDirections to the event and more information are a vailable online at: //m.icarseries.com/offices/student-life/pull/ DTEND:20211002T200000Z DTSTAMP:20230826T202207Z DTSTART:20211002T190000Z LOCATION:11th Street between Lincoln and Fairbanks avenues SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Pull 2021 (124-year tradition) UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_37582459474516 URL:https://calendar.m.icarseries.com/event/the_pull_1783 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR