开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 CALSCALE:公历PRODID: iCalendar-Ruby开始:VEVENT类:学者、艺术与人文的分歧,剧院,主级描述:美国希望学院剧院将劳伦G underson Friday-Sunday \“沉默的天空\”,11月11 - 13日\,和Thursday-Satu rday \, 11月17日至19日\,主要剧院的德威特学生和文化中心世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地。11月11日\ \ n \ nThe表演,12和17日至19日将下午七点半开始。周日\性能,11月13日\,将是一个免费的日场下午两点开始。由客座教授瑞德Luedtke \ \ n \ nDirected,“沉默的天空”ce山周围真实的科学家莱维特和她对天文学的研究的热情。莱维特的研究在20世纪早期导致scie ntific突破,从根本上改变了人类对宇宙的认识,我们的地方。游戏强调信仰之间的张力和凝聚力在神学和信仰科学\;我t关注天堂,天堂。\ n \ nIn Luedtke \之外,大学的生产团队包括米歇尔炸弹\教授,系主任\,作为服装设计的导师\;助理公关ofessor Eric Van Tassell \ \剧院,作为照明设计师\;肯•张伯伦\生产助理dir载体舞蹈和戏剧\,作为声音设计师\;员工membe rs斯蒂芬·克雷布斯和安娜·希尔技术总监和服装商店等er \ \分别;和青年切诺基鲍尔荷兰的服装设计。\n\nAlso serving on the production team are senior Annika Dekker of Grand Rapids\, Michigan\, as stage manager\; and sophomore Sophie Reay of Fisher s\, Indiana\, and freshman Ava Bell of Farmington Hills\, Michigan\, as ass istant stage managers.\n\nThe cast includes senior Kathryn Smith of Plymout h\, Indiana\; juniors Grant McKenzie of Western Springs\, Illinois\, Abigai l Doonan of Kalamazoo\, Michigan\, and Brianna Tomczak of Dexter\, Michigan \; and freshman Claudia Hwang of Norton Shores\, Michigan.\n\nTickets are $ 10 for regular admission\; $7 for senior citizens and Hope faculty and staf f\; and free for Hope College students and students ages 18 and under. Tick ets are available at the Events and Conferences Office located in downtown Holland in the Anderson-Werkman Financial Center (100 E. Eighth St.). The t icket office is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and can be reached at 6 16-395-7890. Tickets may be purchased by calling or visiting the ticket off ice\, online at m.icarseries.com/tickets\, or in person at the performance.\n\nAudi ence members who need assistance to fully enjoy any event at Hope are encou raged to contact the college’s Events and Conferences Office by emailing ev ents@m.icarseries.com or calling 616-395-7222 on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Updates related to events are posted when available in the individual list ings at m.icarseries.com/calendar DTEND:20221113T220000Z DTSTAMP:20230831T103707Z DTSTART:20221113T190000Z GEO:42.787183;-86.101183 LOCATION:DeWitt Student and Cultural Center\, Theater SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Silent Sky Matinee UID:tag:localist.com\,2008:EventInstance_41019356525989 URL:https://calendar.m.icarseries.com/event/silent_sky_matinee_6931 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR