世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:iCalendar-Ruby BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES: DESCRIPTION:Register for the Hope Assessment Workshop\n\nThis workshop is f or: \nAcademic department chairs and program leaders\nCocurricular program leaders engaged in or hoping to engage in program assessment of student lea rning\nFaculty members with assessment responsibilities or who want to lear n more about assessment \n\nAnd will cover the following topics:\nAssessmen t of student learning basics\nWriting student learning outcomes\nTypes of a ssessments\nDeveloping and using rubrics\nKeeping assessment manageable\, s ustainable\, and useful\nUsing assessment results to improve student learni ng\nUsing the Hope College Assessment Portal to enter assessment reports\nR egister here for the Hope Assessment Workshop or by copying the link into y our browser - you will need to log in as a Hope user to问题abutAugust评估工作坊联系kremerk@m.icarseries.comDTEND:2020823T160000ZDTAMP:2023112T111646ZTSTART:20208223T12000ZGE:42.787618;-86.10348Lacation:MaasCentle