Daryl Van Tongeren receives new John Templeton Foundation award

Daryl Van Tongeren, Associate Professor of Psychology, recently received a John Templeton Foundation award via Georgia State University for $212,364. The project is titledApplied Research on Intellectual Humility: A Request for Proposals.

In celebration of this achievement, Hope College’s Public Affairs and Marketing teamfeatured Dr. Van Tongeren in a recent press release.

Congratulations, Daryl, on your significant accomplishment!

Lindsey Root Luna and Isabel Santos receives new Psi Chi award

Lindsey Root Luna, Associate Professor and Department of Psychology, and Isabel Santos, undergraduate student, recently received a Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Grant for $3,500. The project is titledValue and Virtue Alignment Predict Well-Being and Physiology.

The purpose of this project is to examine relationships between virtues, values, and well-being in an effort to better treat mood disorders and promote well-being.

Congratulations, Lindsey and Isabel, on your recent award!

Deborah Van Duinen receives new Michigan Humanities Council award

Deborah Van Duinen, the Arnold and Esther Sonneveldt Associate Professor of Education, recently received a Michigan Humanities Council Bridge Award for $2,500.This award recognizes Hope College’s Big Read and Little Read as the Michigan Humanities Council’s 2022 Community Impact Partner of the Year.


Congratulations, Deborah, on your award!

Kelly Ronald and Natalia Gonzalez-Pech receive new National Science Foundation award

Kelly Ronald, Assistant Professor Biology, and Natalia Gonzalez-Pech, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, recently received a National Science Foundation Building Research Capacity of New Faculty in Biology (BRC-BIO) award for $502,043. The project is titledBRC-BIO: The effects of nanoparticle matter in air pollution on a sentinel species: House sparrows as the new Canary in the Coalmine.

In celebration of this achievement, Hope College’s Public Affairs and Marketing teamDrs。Ronald and Gonazlez-Pech in a recent press release.

Congratulations, Kelly and Natalia, on your significant accomplishment!

Deborah Van Duinen receives new Michigan Humanities Council award

Deborah Van Duinen, the Arnold and Esther Sonneveldt Associate Professor of Education, recently received a Michigan Humanities Council Humanities Grant award for $15.000. The project is titledLittle Read Lakeshore 2022: A Hero’s Journey.

This project will support Little Read activities and expansion into Muskegon, specifically adding Muskegon Area Libraries and Muskegon Area School Districts. The chosen book for this year’s activities isLast Stop on Market Street马特·德拉Peña。

Congratulations on your new award, Deborah!

Brooke Odle receives new Sloan Scholars Mentoring Network grant award

Brooke Odle, Assistant Professor of Engineering, recently received a Social Science Research Council (SSRC)/Sloan Scholars Mentoring Network Grant award for $10,000. The project is titledWearable Sensor-based Approaches to Predict and Reduce Musculoskeletal Injury Risk during Manual Patient-Handling Tasks.

This project will quantify the performance of manual patient-handling tasks through the use of wireless sensors used to capture data and gain insight on common movement patterns. From these data, training and task paradigms will be developed to promote safer techniques and reduce injury risk.


Deborah Van Duinen receives new National Endowment for the Arts/Arts Midwest award

黛博拉·范·杜宁,教育学的阿诺德和埃斯特·索内维尔特副教授,最近获得了国家艺术基金会/中西部艺术大阅读奖,奖金19000美元。For 2022, The Big Read Lakeshore will featureCirceby Madeline Miller.

More information about this year’s award can be found at the Holland Sentinel:https://www.hollandsentinel.com/story/news/local/2022/06/15/hope-colleges-big-read-lakeshore-announces-2022-books/7621150001/

Congratulations on your latest award, Deb!

Annie Dandavati receives new Great Lakes Colleges Association award

Annie Dandavati, Professor of Political Science, recently received a $3,400 award from the Great Lakes Colleges Association Global Crossroads Initiative.

该项目将邀请FLAME大学的Poonam Gandhi博士在2022年秋季学期就当今高等教育领域的多样性和全球学习进行演讲,并与师生见面。

Congratulations on your recent award, Annie!

Kate Finley receives new award from the John Templeton Foundation

Kate Finley, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, recently received a $26,209 award from the John Templeton Foundation via the University of St. Andrews. The project is titledMental Disorder, Religious Engagement, and Emotional Stability.

This project is part of Professor Finley’s larger research project on the intersections and interactions between mental disorders (e.g., depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc.) and different facets of religious engagement (including religious beliefs, experiences, and practices). This project will focus on mood swings and emotional stability, their role as key symptoms of various mental disorders, their centrality to our experience as selves, and the implications of all of this for how we understand our religious engagement.

Congratulations on your award, Kate!

Anne Heath receives new National Endowment for the Humanities award

Anne Heath, the Howard R. and Margaret E. Sluyter Associate Professor of Art History, recently received a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend award for $6,000. The project is titledThe Holy Tear of Christ: Visual and Performance Culture at the Benedictine Abbey of La Trinite, Vendome, ca. 1150-1550.

In celebration of this achievement, Hope College’s Public Affairs and Marketing teamfeatured Dr. Heath and this project in this press release.

Congratulations, Anne, on this significant accomplishment!