Residence Hall Video Tours

霍普校园生活的一个特别之处在于你可以选择各种不同的生活方式。随着“房间抽签”活动的临近,我们想给你一个参观我们宿舍的机会。Take a look at the following videos for a peek into what life is like in our various hall communities:

Cook Hall

库克是一个男女混合的宿舍楼,可容纳250名高年级学生。房间是一个“套房风格”的设置,有一个完整的浴室连接两个卧室。Cook Hall与Cook Dining连接便捷。

Durfee Hall


Dykstra Hall

Dykstra houses 265 female, first-year students. Dykstra Hall is the only residence hall on campus set up in clusters, which are comprised of a fully furnished common living area surrounded by six to 10 private rooms.

Gilmore Hall

Gilmore is home to 112 first and second-year women, and is primarily comprised of double rooms.

Kollen Hall

Kollen is a co-ed building. It has 144 rooms, and is home to 292 first and second-year students.

Lichty Hall

Lichty is a co-ed building, housing first and second-year students.

Phelps Hall

Phelps is a co-ed hall with 80 rooms that houses 160 first-year and sophomore students. Phelps Hall is conveniently connected to Phelps Dining.


Scott Hall


Van Vleck Hall

Van Vleck has 21 rooms and houses 38 first- and second-year women. The rooms of Van Vleck have beautiful dark wood window frames, blinds and carpeted floors.

Voorhees Hall

Voorhees is a co-ed hall that houses 114 students in 53 rooms.

Wyckoff Hall

Wyckoff is a co-ed building that houses 100 first- and second-year students.

New Year, New You?

Happy New Year!!! Cue “Auld Lang Syne,” fireworks, confetti, and new year’s resolutions that hardly ever last a year, let alone the blistery month of January. It’s just too hard to keep up with healthy eating habits when we are back to dorm life, and the only groceries we can afford are Easy Mac and Aldi fruit snacks.

Don’t even get me started on that resolution to wake up at 5 AM before class and get a workout in every day. Sure, you might set your alarm to that loud-enough-to-wake-yourself-up-but-not-too-loud-that-your-roommate-hears-noise and you might even sleep in your workout clothes. But let me tell you, the second your alarm turns off and you look out your window to see blizzard outside, you will go right back to sleep.


As you unpack your bags, place your Easy Mac and Gatorade in their respective places and try to somehow wrestle your fitted sheet back on to your twin extra long bed (I can never figure out how to get the corners perfectly fitted) you might be thinking over the fall semester, Christmas break and looking ahead to spring wondering what changes you should make to ensure you are more successful, or efficient this semester. You think, “I know I need more sleep and I should probably start eating at least one piece of fruit every day but, what else…?”

Perhaps for many of you, this past fall was your first semester at college. Maybe not. But regardless, you find yourself wondering, “What the heck did I do with my time last semester? Why in the world did I spend until 2 in the morning playing video games when I had an exam the next day? I am putting SO much time into homework for this class, why isn’t it paying off? I feel like I didn’t have time for anything fun, what was I doing?” Maybe for you, stepping into 2019 means dropping some hurtful time management habits like it’s hot and picking up new ones.

Unlike my other failed resolutions to work out more and eat better, here you will find a short list of 3 tips and tricks that you might be able to implement this semester that might just help you find ways to manage time or cope with a busy schedule:

  1. Learn how to say “no”. I couldn’t stress this enough. Hope has a TON going on. There are no questions about that. But often, I think the glorification of busy-ness leads us to feel shame when we have even moments of free time, so we add more, or take on another commitment. Yes, be involved. Meet people. Go on that late night Steak-N-Shake run. But maybe that means you don’thaveto agree to join another club or be the number one fan at all the sporting events. While it may feel like you are pleasing someone by saying yes, they will understand if they truly care about you. Being over-committed is not cool. Rather, having balance and a clear mind is what is cool, and truly sets you up to be as successful as you can when you aren’t running around like a chicken with your head cut off.
  2. 拥抱潮起潮落。大学是充满挑战和忙碌的,有时只是困难。有些星期好像永远不会结束,好像永远也到不了星期五。你可能会觉得自己被压垮了,如果你有另一篇论文要写,你可能会尖叫。其他的几周(或几天)可能会觉得你超前了两周,而现在你只是在消磨时间。所以你可能会发现自己很恐慌,因为你觉得自己可能遗漏了一些东西,所以你会提前做更多的工作。但当你有这种感觉时,停下来。接受大学生活节奏的起伏。不是说你在霍普的每一分钟都是用来工作的。此外,当你的头浮出水面,你终于可以再次呼吸时,你需要休息一下(*叹气*)。 And those other weeks where you seem to be drowning? Just. Keep. Breathing. You can get through those weeks. Frida Kahlo once said, “At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.”
  3. 优先考虑。你以前可能听过这个,但说实话,去做吧!现在是尝试的时候了!不要把最难的任务放在待办事项列表的最后,否则你可能会在时间紧张的同时还在努力弄清楚如何完成一项任务或艰巨的任务。如果你在课间或晚饭前有几分钟的休息时间,做一个简单/不需要动脑的任务,然后你就可以划掉一些东西!你也可以根据你能或能够投入多少精力来安排个人任务的优先级。如果你已经有110%的精力去完成一项任务,所以不需要取得+++的成绩,那就少花点精力,争取得到b。如果你能让自己接受把精力放在具有挑战性的任务上,并从你喜欢的任务或不需要太多时间的任务中重新获得能量,你可能会找到更好的平衡,更容易地安排工作的优先级!

Now, these aren’t foolproof. But perhaps they are a bit more unconventional and maybe overlooked. Time management, I have found is so much about mindset. Perseverance and resilience can get you a long way. You can do this. And if you feel like you can’t, ask for help. In Res Life, we believe asking for help can get us a long way. Rely on one another. Rely on your RAs, your RDs, Hope College staff, faculty and administration. We’ve got your back.

But also remember, you don’t need an excuse of a new year’s resolution to set a goal or make a change. If something isn’t working, try something new. If that doesn’t work, try again tomorrow. It’s okay to start over and it’s okay to begin again.

Top 10 Ways to Resolve Roommate Conflict

尽管我们年龄大,经验丰富,但和别人一起生活从来不是件容易的事。听听乔纳森和凯勒的意见吧,他们是学校的新室友。他们之前在老家有自己的卧室,学习共享一个房间带来了挑战。所以,最近搬到一起住,我想我应该问问他们的建议。Here are Jonathan and Caleb’s“Top 10 Ways to Resolve Roommate Conflict”:

  1. Give them flowers
  2. Be kind
  3. 让宿舍管理员给他们一个“提醒”。
  4. Tell your teacher if someone is being mean
  5. Say “I’m sorry”
  6. Have some alone time
  7. Don’t take the other person’s things
  8. Sing them a song
  9. Ask if they are okay
  10. Fold your clothes a lot

The thIng是,他们是对的。他们可能会用不同的词来描述他们的观点,但这可能对我们成年人有一些好处,评估我们的“成熟”的观点,并听取一些建议。Whether you are currently experiencing a conflict with a roommate or getting ahead of the game by learning what you can before you move in, here are a few takeaways from the list above:

  • Reach out.当你住得这么近的时候,和另一个人发生紧张和冲突是正常的,也没关系。但是在你决定你是那个被冤枉的人之前,先问一些问题。带着一种想要了解对方来自哪里的渴望去接触对方。这并不意味着你必须同意,但它确实意味着你需要保持开放的心态,如果两个人生活在一个空间,可能会有两个方面的故事。无论是以“询问他们是否还好”的形式,还是“说对不起”的形式,在你靠近他们之前,先联系他们。
  • 照顾好你的空间和你的东西。Whether you are living in a resident hall, a cottage or own your own home, a living space has more to offer when you take care of it. Maybe your roommate prefers things clean and you like things messy. And maybe you wish you could just live how you want to live. But regardless, when given something like a place of your own to live, it grows character when we respect it and take care of it. So for the sake of developing responsibility AND honoring the person who shares your space- “fold your clothes a lot”, wash your dishes, “don’t take other people’s things”.
  • 做点什么好。No one has ever said you have to be best friends with your roommate, but you can alway be a friend TO your roommate. Even if tension is flying in the air, you have the ability to access creativity and offer a kind gesture. So maybe “singing a song” is way out of your comfort zone and “buying flowers” feels more romantic than you’d like, but could you offer an invitation to share a lunch? Or offer to clean their cereal bowl, or hold the door for them when you exit the building? Small things can go a long way.
  • Ask for help.Your experience here at Hope College matters. And YOU matter. So if you are unsure of how to handle a situation, or if you feel unsafe, not only can you “tell a teacher if someone is being mean”, but you can lean into the support systems surrounding you. Inform a Resident Assistant or a Resident Director or seek counsel from the Counseling Center and other various resources on campus.

就像你们在霍普学院校园生活的许多其他方面一样,有一个室友是一个学习和成长的机会。世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地不管你在来之前对室友一无所知,现在你有了一个新的最好的朋友,或者你来这里时你们是最好的朋友,但事情并不像你想象的那样发展,这段经历本身就是一种邀请,让你了解自己,建立关系。但是如果你不确定邀请是什么,你可以随意去Gilmore Hall问问Jonathan和Caleb——我相信他们会给你一些建议。

College is Hard, But Your Chair Doesn’t Have to Be: Comfortable Study Spots

By Aine O’Connor, Neighborhood Coordinator

Are you and your friends searching for new study spaces? Getting tired of your desk, Science Center study rooms, and library tables? As midterms and finals creep closer, where will you go if (gasp) your favorite spot gets taken? Here are ten study spots to shake up your routine and find new motivation. Happy homeworking!

On Campus

Cozy Chairs in Lubbers:

If you just want to curl up and read a good book for your English class, Lubbers is the way to go. Each floor has at least four super cozy chairs to work on. Pro tip: On the weekends, you can oftentimes drag two chairs together to make a megacouch. Just be careful not to fall asleep!

Phelps Dining:

Many freshmen think that going to lunch or dinner alone is embarrassing or lonely, but it can sometimes be the best time to study! Go over to the fireplace side and grab a small table or a booth (some even have outlets close by). If you look around, I promise you won’t be the only one!

Rare Books Room at Van Wylen:


Martha Miller Rotundas:

These spaces are open to you all day! The rotundas offer great views of downtown Holland and have the best beanbags on campus. Go to the first floor for a meeting or the second floor for some quiet study time.

Res Hall Lounges/Hallways:

People automatically think of the study rooms as the place to go, but sometimes your res hall’s lounge can be perfect. In Van Vleck, where I used to live, we used our hallways! Chat while you work, meet up to write together, or escape your roommate’s snoring at 2 AM by going to a new place.

Your RA’s room:

RAs love to see their residents! If our doors are open, feel free to stop by, catch up, and work on stuff. Another pro tip: I can promise that your RA is REALLY smart. It might not be a bad idea to ask them for help if you get stuck. They may also be a great pair of eyes on a paper or assignment! This is the view from my RA room last year.

Off Campus

Herrick District Library:

Herrick is just across from Centennial Park and is a fantastic resource for students. There are quiet reading rooms, rentable spaces, and awesome cozy chairs in the young adult section. Most importantly, almost no students think to go there during finals week!

Kollen Park:

Kollen Park has beautiful views of Lake Macatawa and is within walking distance of campus. If you go in April or May, there’s a chance you’ll see some tulips along your route!

Windmill Island:

During the fall and winter months, Windmill Island is often open for free, especially in the evenings. It is a great place to work on a book or writing project. Need to write a poem? Head to Windmill Island- you’ll find something worth writing about.

Crane’s in the City:

如果LJ或Ferris太拥挤了,可以去市中心另一个街区的Crane’s in the City(就在Karla’s Place旁边)。他们有很棒的苹果酒、甜甜圈,如果你幸运的话,甚至还有苹果派。They also have large tables to spread out at and a homey, autumn feel.