Hope College, Re-imagined

Sometimes ideas come to fruition overnight. Sometimes they’re a few years in the making.

Once upon a time, a friend and colleague said to me (something along the lines of), “Wouldn’t national park-style posters of Hope College be so great?”

The idea rolled around in my head for more years than I care to admit. Until September 2021 when I thought there might be a way to move the concept forward without adding too many extra hours to a very busy in-house Creative Services team.

With a little research, I discovered a well-rated freelance graphic designer on Fiverr who specialized in this type of vintage poster design. Within just a few emails and several photos shared with the designer, I felt confident enough to give them a try for a few poster concepts. Together we worked our way through a few barriers in terms of time zones and language (Graves Hall became translated into “Graveyard Room” and Pine Grove became “Pine Land” somewhere along the way.). But in just a few weeks, I had beautiful, editable vector files that I felt were good to move to another stage here on Hope’s campus.

The next stage was letting our student graphic designers (Katie Shantz ’22, Parker Johnson ’22, Kaylee Siebert ’22) put their own spin on the vintage national park concepts! Our team of student designers isessentialto the function of the Creative Services group for hundreds of projects every year. Sometimes their projects are more fun, but they are often tasked with simple event posters and mundane edits. This project allowed them to flex their creative muscles over several months. There were no barriers other than their own inspired minds!

我们对结果非常满意!在霍普的校园里打印了一些学生设计师的设计成品样本,并把它们挂在办公室里,得到的反馈是压倒性的积极。“These are so cool!”

So we had them professionally printed and asked our friends in the Bookstore if they would be interested in selling them. Again, a resounding, “Yes!” A fun project with invaluable student employee involvement has gone to market!

Check outbookstore.m.icarseries.comand tell us your favorite poster. For only $10 one can be yours!

(Stay tuned – we think there will be more limited edition vintage-style Hope College posters in the future!)

Summer ’22 “News from Hope College” Lives Up to Its Season and Name

Research is a day at the beach as Hope scientists explore the ecology of Lake Michigan’s spectacular coastal sand dunes in the new Summer ’22News from Hope College,now available onlineand en route to mailboxes near and far.

The issue’s cover story leads offSpera, a new section highlighting the breadth and depth of the groundbreaking faculty scholarship taking place campus wide (and regularly conducted collaboratively with students).Spera— from the college’s motto,Spera in Deo(“Hope in God”) — was a limited-run, stand-alone journal published annually from 2017 through 2021, but will now be a regular part of the thrice-a-yearNfHCso that we can share the work more frequently and with the entire Hope family. It continues this time with kinesiology (“What Makes Athletes Tick?”) and economics (“Do High Rates of Homicide Slow Imports and Exports?”) along with geological and environmental science, with entirely different mixes of departments and topics planned for December and April — and more beyond.

Spera当然,这只是你会在里面找到的一部分!我们从毕业典礼和毕业典礼上的演讲中总结了2021-22年,概述了学生和教师的奖项,并回顾了在体育领域获得多个冠军的历史性一年。随着2022-23学年的临近,我们看到了第一代大学生所面临的独特挑战,并参观了一个专门为霍普天主社区而开发的新教堂。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩我们专注于艺术,庆祝希望夏季剧目剧院的第一个50年,并预览新的工作室空间,为希望蓬勃发展的舞蹈系。See, too, how a creative alumni couple is helping shape the future through a distinctive way of supportingHope Forward, and enjoy a new collection of posters featuring beloved campus landmarks in the iconic style of national park posters of the 1930s and 1940s. (Stay tuned to this space in the days ahead for more about how those posters came to be, the creative role that students played and how to acquire prints through the Hope College Bookstore.)

Goodbye Campusmail! Hello Hope Daily.

At the end of August (and for the first time in approximately 30 years!) the Public Affairs and Marketing team is changing the way mass emails are distributed to employees at Hope College. The current “campusmail” system of pushing out numerous emails x multiple times per day will be replaced with a single daily newsletter. “Hope Daily” will include a day’s worth of concise announcements and news items in one easy-to-read message.

“Hope Daily” will contain familiar sections and themes to hopefully create a simple-to-navigate message. You will find campus events, announcements, family news, Human Resources features and an Academic and Campus Governance section.

Messages of an urgent nature will still be distributed as necessary and separately from “Hope Daily.” These could include Clery Act timely warnings, safety notices, unplanned technology outages, and unplanned changes to building access or services.

Example of the new Hope Daily message!

We believe that, though change is sometimes challenging, this upgrade will be very beneficial to our campus community. This allows us to sunset some outdated technology that our awesome partners at CIT have sustained for years. We hope this change will also allow us to somewhat mitigate the email fatigue that many of us experience. There may be days where there isnonews to report. If so, we’ll skip “Hope Daily” that day and you’ll have one less message to review.

Our form for submitting an announcement or news item to “Hope Daily” is available linked under “Resources” onInHope.

Working version of the Hope Daily submission form (8/3/2022)


We LOVE the Hope College community. It is true.
So we made these valentines just for you.

Print this PDFand cut them out,
or share on social media if that’s what you’re about.

Happy Valentine’s Day to the Orange and Blue!

Go Hope CardI hope you'll be mine cardI'm your #1 fan card#1 fan cardOrange you glad you're mine card

Carve your very own Hope College pumpkin!

Halloween is nearly here. Share your Hope College spirit with the neighborhood!

Three Hope College Pumpkins
Go Hope!

Choose your favorite template and use it to trace the design on your pumpkin. Once you carve your Hope pumpkin, post a picture and tag Hope College on social media for a chance to appear on our Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. Happy Halloween!

Click a title below to download a pdf template.

Block H Template

Hope College Anchor

Campus toolkit for COVID-19 communication

The first few weeks of spring semester are behind us and we are so grateful for every passing day that our students are together on campus for in-person classes. It takes our entire campus community to make this happen and we are thankful for the many teams and individuals who are#KeepingHopehere!

Public Affairs and Marketing has created adigital communication toolkitfor our campus partners to help raise awareness for health and safety measures on campus, and to help slow the spread of COVID-19 this semester. In the toolkit, you’ll find graphics for social media, TV screens, printable pdfs, and sample social media posts that you can share with your department and online followers.

虽然我们无法为每个办公室或部门定制这些元素,但我们希望它们将有助于您继续提高我们整个hope社区的健康和安全意识。世界杯英格兰队vs丹麦队足彩我们是一条船上的。谢谢你们的承诺。Go Hope!

Customize your virtual meeting with Hope College campus scenery

It’s a new year. Time to level-up your virtual meetings with a new Hope College campus background.

Download your Hope College campus background here.

Not seeing your favorite spot on campus in our folder?Send us an emailand we may be able to help you out.

2020年选举:Upcoming events, resources and opportunities on campus

On Monday, you receivedan emailfrom Dr. Sonja Trent-Brown, Dr. Richard Frost, Dr. Gerald Griffin and Dr. Trygve Johnson about campuswide efforts to“Keep HOPE”through this election season. Today, we launched an Election 2020 webpage (m.icarseries.com/election), where we will be sharing upcoming events, resources and opportunities to engage and support the campus community.

You can help with this initiative!

If your department or division would like to add content tom.icarseries.com/election, pleaseemail mewith your information. Currently, we are featuring *only* official Hope-sponsored events, resources and opportunities on the webpage; we are not using the site to promote external programs or share links to outside events.

If your event is not on theHope calendar, please be sure to add it! And if a physical location on campus is needed for your event, make sure that you have reserved the spacethrough EMSand that you are following all theguidelines for on-campus gatherings. Need help with any of this? Pleaseemail Julie Huisingh在公共事务和市场营销方面寻求协助。

THANK YOU for all you’re doing to fosterbelonging, understanding and grace希望学世界杯荷兰vs厄瓜多尔走地院!

Are you HOPE READY?!

Can you believe the start of the school year is nearly here?
So many of us have been working countless hours to be HOPE READY for the start of the school year. What does HOPE READY mean? It means that on top of our current (and extended) responsibilities, we’re embracing (from an appropriate distance, of course) the guidelines for a safe re-engagement with the campus community. We’re washing hands, wearing face coverings, keeping physically distant, cleaning our work and study areas and holding one another accountable.
How can you share the HOPE READY spirit with others?

By the way, if you’ve been near campus (which looks stunning, by the way), you’ll notice somebeautiful new lightpole banners由我们神奇的物理工厂团队安装。#保持希望将在可预见的未来继续下去。It’s on all of us to keep the culture and enthusiasm of Hope College going no matter the format.

我们迫不及待地想再见到你。感谢你们这几个星期和几个月来一直保持着希望。You are truly what makes this place exceptional.

We Have Hope signs

Hey all you fellow hunker downers!

We’re launching a fun new project for Hope employees to share some of the HOPE we have for our community, our students, our neighbors and so many others.
So we made a simple little sign. (Maybe you saw a sneak peak of it during yesterday’sClass of 2020 Celebration?) A printable version is available below!

Here’s what we hope you’ll do…

  • Print your sign at home.
  • Take a photo of you holding the sign or it displayed in your home’s front window or on the front door. (We miss seeing your faces!)
  • Send the photo tomarketing@m.icarseries.comso that we might share it further!
  • Or, post the photo on your own social media account using #KeepingHope and tagging @hopecollege. (This only works if your posts or account are public!)

No printer at home? No problem! Completethis formand a sign will be mailed to you at home in a few days.

Thanks for all you’re doing #keepinghope!