/ Alumni and Family Engagement

Resources and Services

Your need for career support, educational opportunities and staying connected to the college continues long after leaving campus. The Alumni Association offers programs and opportunities that encourage and support Hope graduates as partners, advocates and investors.

Alumni Directory
Explore the Alumni Directory atconnection.m.icarseries.com.Questions? Please contact us at 616.395.7250 oralumni@m.icarseries.com, and we will be happy to help you.
Boerigter Center for Calling and Career
The Alumni Association partners with theBoerigter Center for Calling and Careerto provide career planning, résumé building, networking opportunities and job postings for alumni.Learn more.
Hope College Book Club
Join our virtual community to connect with fellow Hope College alumni, faculty, staff and families of current students as we read and discuss various book genres such as lifelong learning, personal growth, novels and other topics. Sign up atm.icarseries.com/bookclub.
The Hope College Connection
The Hope College Connectionis an innovative online community for calling and career that brings together students, alumni and families for mentoring and experiential learning. You can tap into the power of the Hope network with smart-matching algorithms to identify new connections as you navigate your career. Learn more atconnection.m.icarseries.com.
Career Development and Lifelong Learning Courses
We know that your personal development and career preparation doesn’t stop after graduation.Learn more about alumni career development and lifelong learning courses在线参与,这将支持你继续洞察,准备和追求你的下一个旅程。一旦你注册了,你就可以获得9门职业发展课程,包括培养个人品牌和如何准备面试等主题,以及3门个人发展课程,包括领导力发展、压力管理和无意识偏见培训。我们很高兴为您提供机会,继续发展这些终身技能,当您在我们的世界产生影响时,您可以使用这些技能。这项有价值的服务是由校友会付费免费提供给你的。Get started today!
Dow Center Discount
Alumni are offered a discounted rate at theDow Center.
Recruiting, Reunions & Rivalries

We know that you connect with Hope in unique ways, and we also know that not everyone can make it back to campus easily or as often as they want. So we created a program that can come to you! Learn more about our "R's In A Box" program.

Take a Hope Course
Never had time to take that poetry class you heard so much about? It’s not too late. If you’ve already completed a degree at Hope, you’re eligible for a 25% tuition discount for regular semester and summer courses, both on-campus and online. To enroll, complete theSingle Term Enrollment Form, and information regarding course registration will be sent to you. If you have questions, pleasecontact the Registrar.
Global Travel Program
TheGlobal Travel Programincorporates learning through exploring history, culture, art and language on international trips with Hope faculty experts.
Events and Lectures
If you’re living in — or just visiting — the Holland area, you’re invited toattend events and lecturesthat take place on campus throughout the year.
Library Access
希望毕业生也保持他们进入VanWylen和西方神学院的神学图书馆。The alumni library card entitles alumni to:
  • Use of the materials at Van Wylen Library and the Western Theological Seminary Cook Library
  • Use of the MeL (Michigan Electronic Library) Catalog to obtain material from participating MeL libraries throughout the state
A library card does not entitle alumni to:
  • Off campus access to subscription online databases
  • InterLibrary Loan privileges
To receive an alumni library card, an alumnus must:
  • Be a current Michigan resident
  • Present a valid government issue ID at the time they come to the library to receive their library card
  • Submit a “Fee Exempt Library Card” application in person
For more information, please contact the VanWylen Library at 616-395-7905.
Learning Opportunities
There are many ways to continue learning with Hope. Take a class, attend a summer camp, explore resources for senior professionals and learn about other opportunities.Read more.
Alumni Data Request

If you volunteer for Hope or are a member of the faculty or staff and need information about Hope Alumni, pleasesubmit an Alumni Data Request.

这项服务只针对希望学院的教职员工和志愿者。If you are a Hope graduate looking to connect with other alumni, we offer theThe Hope College Connectionand a variety of othersocial networksto assist you. Please contact us at 616.395.7250 oralumni@m.icarseries.com.