/ Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity

Faculty Resources

Research mentors play an essential role in the success of student poster presentations. A student must have mentor approval to submit a poster.

We value the hours faculty mentors invest in student research. Thank you for making undergraduate research a highlight of the Hope College experience.

Is my student's project ready to become a presentation?

对于一个成功的活动,项目应该在2月份的最后期限之前有明确的结果。初步结果可以接受。一个很好的经验法则是:如果一个学生不能在摘要截止日期前写一篇关于项目结果的摘要,那么这个项目就不能在4月份发表。需要做很多工作来掌握足够的材料来创建一个浓缩的,高质量的海报演示。如果一个学生在2月初之前只是手头有一个研究课题,而没有或几乎没有在该领域做过任何工作,那么他将无法在4月份成功地发表论文。庆祝活动欢迎在庆祝活动之前的历年的任何项目。Thus, if a student's spring project isn't ready this year, it can be presented the next year.

Registration: What does the student need from me?

See asample of the registration form(pdf).

If your project is grant-funded, provide the student withthe exact wording the grant requires for funding recognition. If any other thanks should be noted for making this project possible, this should also be in the "statement about funding source" section of the registration form. This information will be published in the abstract book online, with hard copies distributed across campus and to donors.

Do you want the students' poster included with their abstract when it is archived on Hope College Library's Digital Commons? Talk to the student about this possibility (and how it will be search-able down the road) so that they check the correct box on the registration form. This will merely prompt an email request for the poster after the Celebration is over. A student can decide at that point choose not to include their poster on Digital Commons.

My student doesn't plan to present a poster

Most of the presentations at the Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Performance are done as posters. These are typically flat posters, occasionally trifolds, and sometimes with presentations on a computer.

That said, to facilitate the "creative performance" portion of the Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Performance, we understand that sometimes a project cannot be contained within the frame of a poster. If your project doesn't fit within this box, please be in contact with the Celebration program manager (celebration@m.icarseries.com) early, so we can come up with ways for your student's presentation to be successful. We do have space that can be used for movement pieces and performances.

My student doesn't have an abstract yet

Students do not need an abstract to register initially. Completing the registration form will create an editable document. Students have until theabstract deadline在该文件中插入它们的摘要以及承认资金来源的任何文本。

As some essential elements of your abstract such as italics, formatting and equations may not be copied into the abstract document correctly, we ask that all students and mentors double-check the document for accuracy before submitting for approval.

If your student will not have sufficient information to complete the abstract by the abstract deadline, we encourage the student to wait another year before presenting results. (See "Is my student's project ready to become a poster presentation?" above).

How do I know if my students have registered?

Up-to-date registration data is available on theRegistration Report, available by mid-January. You may search this form for a name by clicking on any cell and then pressing "ctrl + f" or "command + f". A search box will appear on the top right of the spreadsheet. Entering a word in that search box will highlight all cells that contain that word. You may also filter and sort by clicking on the top of a column and using the drop-down arrow/funnel button.

This registration report is a copy of elements of the registration database. Your filters and any data you enter on this spreadsheet will not be saved. Thus, if you notice any errors or typos on this form, contactLaura McMullenatcelebration@m.icarseries.com, and she will fix the error. Once a typo has been fixed, the registration report will reflect that change.

I don't want this research published in the abstract booklet

All students must be able to articulate their research in the form of an abstract by the abstract deadline in order to register for Celebration of Undergraduate Research. It is our desire to have these abstracts available for public viewing on Digital Commons, on our website, and in the form of a research booklet available across campus and to donors and prospective students.

In some cases a faculty mentor may not want novel research available to the public. In this case, we ask first that you work with your student to find a way to word the abstract so that sensitive details are not disclosed. If this is not possible due to the nature of the research, a student may still present their research, but prior approval must be obtained by the Office of Research and Scholarship. ContactLaura McMullento start the exemption process.

When you request an exemption, be sure to state if you are willing to have your title or abstract in any of the following locations: Digital Commons, online abstract booklet, hard copy of abstract booklets. Let us know if you'd like abstract only or both abstract and title omitted from these locations. Keep in mind that exemptions are extremely rare.

Titles will be included in the program which will also be published as a pdf online prior to the event. Programs will not be digitally archived.

What resources are available to help my student have a successful event?

Poster Training Session

At this session, usually in March (see theevent timeline) we cover the basics of good poster design, how to print, what to wear to the event and how to prepare a brief overview (elevator speech) about the project. Staff are available to answer questions about logistics, printing, design, etc.

Online Resources

海报培训课程提供的大部分信息也可以在庆典网站上找到。Encourage your students to check out the Celebrationtimeline, read our tips forposter creationand peruse thepresentingwebpage.

Mentor/ Faculty Role in the Event Process

Faculty members will be consulted throughout the Celebration registration process. Often this correspondence will be through carbon-copy of student emails.In particular:

  • We will notify faculty that it is time to register through a campus-wide email at the beginning of January. This will also include a link to the Registration Report, which will list all registered students (see "How do I know if my students have registered?" above).
  • You will receive also recieve email notification that a student has registered and has listed you as their mentor.
  • With this email notification will be a link to the student's abstract. You will be asked toapprove the abstractby the abstract deadline. A student will not be fully registered for the project until the abstract is approved. If you do not approve of the student's participation, pleasecontact us.
  • Once the abstract is approved, the student will be considered fully registered and you will be copied on our confirmation letter to the student. Please read this email carefully and discuss any discrepancies you may see with your mentee. For example, if you thought the student was presenting on a flat poster but it lists a tri-fold poster, if you were sure they collaborated with students that aren't listed in the abstract or included as presenting, if you thought they should/should not include their poster on Digital Commons, if there is an error in the finalized abstract, etc. — be sure to discuss andlet us knowof any errors.
  • Follow along with theevent timelineto stay up-to-date on deadlines and events.
  • We encourage you to discussposter designandpresentation对你的学生,特别是如果这是他们的第一次海报展示经验。鼓励学生参加海报培训。
  • On the day of the Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Performance — you don't need to do anything! Come and enjoy the posters along with a cup of fruit or popcorn snack.
Supporting Images: Photos, graphs, and other visual elements

Do you have pictures of your students doing research or other visual images that help describe their results? Did the student create visual art as part of their research or creative performance that is showcased at this event? Send these visual elements to us atcelebration@m.icarseries.comby mid-March for potential inclusion in our abstract booklet.